Computational Intelligence (IEEE Slovenia CIS, CIS11) at ERK 2021 session CS.1
About the encompasing event:
30th International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference ERK 2021
The ERK 2021 conference will be held on September 20-21, 2021 in Congress Center Bernardin, Portorož, Slovenia. The conference is organized by the IEEE Slovenia Section together with Faculty of Electrical Engineering University of Ljubljana and other Slovenian professional societies. The Conference is bilingual, with presentations in English and Slovenian.
Visit the ERK 2021 conference website here.
Date and Time
- Date: 21 Sep 2021
- Time: 09:00 AM to 12:30 PM
- All times are (GMT+01:00) CET
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- Congress Center Bernardin
- Portorož, Slovenia
- Slovenia
- Contact Event Host
- Co-sponsored by IEEE Slovenia Section; Faculty of Electrical Engineering University of Ljubljana; and other Slovenian professional societies
Računalništvo in informatika / Computer and Information Science
CS.1 Računska inteligenca in računalništvo v oblaku / Computational Intelligence and Cloud Computing
21.09.2021 ob/at 09:00 v/in A
Preds./Chair: Aleš Zamuda
1. Radijsko k-barvanje neskončnih mrež
Korže Danilo, FERI, UM
Vesel Aleksander, FNM, UM
2. Upoštevanje indeksa strahu in pohlepa v predvidevanju cene Bitcoin skozi dolgi kratkoročni spomin
Ošep Ferš Nataša, FERI, UM
Zamuda Aleš, FERI, UM
3. The Semantic Web and Blockchain at a Meeting Point
Shkembi Klevis, FE, UL
Kochovski Petar, FRI, UL
Papaioannou Thanasis, AUEB, Atene
Barelle Caroline , EURODYN, Luxembourg
Stankovski Vlado, FRI, UL
4. FRI Tokens for a Fog Computing Course
Gec Sandi, FRI, UL
Kochovski Petar, FRI, UL
Brežnik Janez , FRI, UL
Stankovski Vlado, FRI, UL
5. Nadgradnja obstoječega domensko specifičnega modelirnega jezika za merilno tehniko
Kos Tomaž , Dewesoft d.o.o., Trbovlje
Mernik Marjan, FERI, UM
Kosar Tomaž, FERI, UM
6. Programerske veščine v razkoraku med razvojem stroke in trenutnim stanjem na trgu dela
Jelovšek Tjaša, FRI, UL
Bajec Marko, FRI, UL
Lampe Andreja, GZS, Lj
Saabeel Wanda, CEN and CENELEC, Bruselj
Thornley Clare, Clarity Research, Cedar Park
Stankovski Vlado, FRI, UL
CS.2 Obdelava slik / Image Processing
21.09.2021 ob/at 11:00 v/in A
Preds./Chair: Aleš Zamuda
7. Pregled 2D verižnih kod
Žalik Borut, FERI, UM
Strnad Damjan, FERI, UM
Rizman Žalik Krista, FERI, UM
Nerat Andrej, FERI, UM
Lukač Niko , FERI, UM
Lipuš Bogdan, FERI, UM
Podgorelec David, FERI, UM
8. Medpomnjenje obsevanosti za globalno osvetlitev volumetričnih podatkov
Šmajdek Uroš, FRI, UL
Lesar Žiga, FRI, UL
Marolt Matija, FRI, UL
Bohak Ciril, FRI, UL
9. Digital image quality assessment metrics
Kuzmanovic Vladimir, FM, Uni Beograd
Pajic Slobodan, EDePro d.o.o., Beograd
10. Evaluating the Potential of Web Image Optimization for Improving User-Perceived Performance
Heričko Tjaša, FERI, UM
Šumak Boštjan, FERI, UM
Čučko Špela, FERI, UM
Brdnik Saša, FERI, UM
11. Zasnova in izvedba pametne sidrne boje kot naprave IoT
Likozar Januš , FRI, UL
Jaklič Aleš, FRI, UL