IEEE CCS Zoom Talk 15 Sep @ 6:30PM - Connecting with Mars:
The Evolution of Relay Telecommunication Networks for Mars
Speakers, Jared Call, Eve J. Pereira, and Harvey Elliot all work on Mars Relay Telecommunications at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Their talk will introduce the benefits and challenges of telecommunications at Mars. If you are interested in space exploration, triumph, adversity, clashing superpowers, man-made crater formation, 400 MHz radio waves, planning tools, network topologies, international cooperation, tragedy, commensal symbionts, multi-mission operations, communication protocols & CCSDS space standards, Beagles, space cats, balloons, and surface penetrators, then this is the talk for you!
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Best regards, Ruth Franklin IEEE Central Coast Chair
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Date and Time
- Date: 15 Sep 2021
- Time: 01:30 PM UTC to 03:00 AM UTC
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- Montecito, California
- United States 93108
Jared Call, Eve J. Pereira, Harvey Elliott of NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Connecting with Mars: The Evolution of Relay Telecommunication Networks for Mars
The Mars Relay Network is a major component of our ongoing exploration of Mars that has evolved organically over the years to meet the needs of each operations scenario. This talk will introduce the benefits and challenges of telecommunications at Mars. If you are interested in space exploration, triumph, adversity, clashing superpowers, man-made crater formation, 400 MHz radio waves, planning tools, network topologies, international cooperation, tragedy, commensal symbionts, multi-mission operations, communication protocols & CCSDS space standards, Beagles, space cats, balloons, and surface penetrators, then this is the talk for you!
Technical bios: Jared, Eve, and Harvey all work on Mars relay telecommunications at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Jared has a degree in Applied Mathematics from Cal Poly Pomona and an Astronautics degree from University of Southern California and has been at JPL since 2002. Eve has a degree in Computer Science from Cal State LA and an Executive MBA from Claremont Graduate University and started at JPL in 2001. Harvey has dual degrees in Planetary Science (focused on Mars) and Space Systems Engineering from University of Michigan and after a short stint at Planetary Resources in Seattle, he came to JPL in 2019 to work on relay operations for MAVEN and TGO.