VTS: Acela Train Qualification
You will need a computer with speakers to watch the presentation. A microphone and webcam are optional but encouraged.
Please register by 5 pm Monday, September 13
Speaker: Mike Trosino, Amtrak Deputy Chief Engineer, Track
Topic: Acela Train Qualification
Note: You only need to provide the required information (noted with a red *) on the registration weblink, BUT please help us out and let us know if you are an IEEE or VTS member. Everyone is always welcome at our meetings and membership is NOT required, but when we send meeting reports to IEEE, we need to list the number of IEEE/VTS members who participate.
Date and Time
- Date: 14 Sep 2021
- Time: 12:00 PM to 01:30 PM
- All times are (GMT-05:00) US/Eastern
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- Online meeting / webinar
- Washington, District of Columbia
- United States
- Starts 06 September 2021 02:00 PM
- Ends 13 September 2021 05:00 PM
- All times are (GMT-05:00) US/Eastern
- No Admission Charge
Mike Trosino of Amtrak
The presentation is an overview of the 49CFR part 213.345 qualification process for high-speed trains. This regulation calls for the specific qualification of all passenger and freight equipment that the owners intend to operate at speeds exceeding 90 mph, or cant deficiencies exceeding 5-inches. The presentation walks through the process and spells out the steps and pitfalls of the requirements. There is some focus on the Acela II qualification process that is currently ongoing.
Mike Trosino received his Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering in 1979 from Drexel University. After college internships with Penn Central, Conrail, and Amtrak, Mike joined Conrail as an Assistant Supervisor for Track in Hornell, NY. Mike came to Amtrak in May 1980 and has held positions in the Track/Engineering department. In 1995, he became the Director of Amtrak's Clearance, Inspections, and Testing department and the Deputy Chief Engineer of Track at Amtrak. Among the many projects he worked on during his career, highlights include the Center City Commuter Tunnel project in Philadelphia, X2000 and ICE train Demo projects, AMD-103 Genesis locomotive development project, New England electrification project, and the Acela I design and qualification process.
Address:Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
- 12:00 am - Social conversation
- 12:30 pm - Technical presentation & discussion
- 01:30 pm - Adjourn
- Chair: David (DJ) Johnson
- Vice-Chair: Reg Mitchell
- Secretary: Karl Berger, PE
- Treasurer: Steve Bezner, PE
- Cashier: Ken Briers
- Program Committee: Heather Roman, Matt Nawn
Please help your VTS Chapter: If you would like to speak or have contact information for a speaker, please contact Heather Roman <hroman at omni-strategy dot com> or Matt Nawn <matthew.nawn at dot.gov>
Future Meetings:
- October 12
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