The 5th Montreal Photonics Online Network Event

#Montreal #Photonics #Research #Networking #event

Dear All, 

You are invited to attend the 5th Montreal Photonics Networking Event on Friday 29th October 2021. The event is free and three cash prizes of $250 each are available to eligible contributions. There are no registration fees.

The event will also feature two plenary speakers from the industry, Helge Seetzen, CEO of TandemLaunch Second speaker: Dr. Giacomo Balistreri, on Remembering & Honouring Dr. Andrea Rovere.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 29 Oct 2021
  • Time: 12:30 PM to 04:30 PM
  • All times are (GMT-05:00) Canada/Eastern
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  • Contact Event Host
  • Matthew Posner:

    Ajay Dhillon:


  • Co-sponsored by IEEE Montréal, Optonique, Excelitas Technologies, INRS OSA SPIE Association, ETS, INTRIQ, STARACOM, COPL, Numana
  • Starts 09 September 2021 11:08 AM
  • Ends 29 October 2021 12:00 PM
  • All times are (GMT-05:00) Canada/Eastern
  • No Admission Charge


Helge Seetzen Helge Seetzen of TandemLaunch


Physics and Entrepreneurship: a tandem of adventures


Helge Seetzen is a successful multi-media technology entrepreneur with deep experience in the university tech transfer space. He currently serves as the CEO and General Partner of TandemLaunch – a startup foundry that works with driven entrepreneurs to turn research from the world’s best universities into exceptional consumer technology companies. Under his leadership, TandemLaunch has created over 20 technology companies, accounting for hundreds of jobs, $500M+ in market value, and commercialized technologies from over 50 international universities.

Prior to TandemLaunch, Helge co-founded Sunnybrook Technologies and later BrightSide Technologies to commercialize high dynamic range (HDR) display technology and champion the development of the local dimming LED TV concept. BrightSide was successfully sold to Dolby Laboratories at high return to shareholders after receiving accolades such as the Best Buzz Award at the 2006 Consumer Electronics Show and a "Top 100 Technologies in 2006" rank by Popular Science Magazine. At Dolby he led all cross-functional development activities for Dolby's first two consumer video products including today’s Dolby Vision standard for HDR video. In this capacity he built research and engineering departments in Canada and the US, and was closely involved in licensing negotiations with many major consumer electronics manufacturers.  

Helge's leadership in the technology transfer, innovation and entrepreneurial space has been widely recognized through awards such as Business in Vancouver's 40 under Forty award for business accomplishment, the NSERC Innovation Challenge Award for university technology transfer, and a Special Recognition Award from the Society for Information Display for the pioneering of LED TV technology. Helge serves on the boards of over 20 organizations including the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (Canada’s national research funding body), MITACS (Canada’s principal industrial grant program for students), HEC Montreal’s Entrepreneurship Program, and over a dozen private corporations. He is a Fellow of the McGill Dobson Center for Entrepreneurship and strong supporter of many other initiatives encouraging entrepreneurship. As a technical leader, he served as the General Chair for Display Week, the largest technical conference on displays, as well as currently as President of the Executive Board of the Society for Information Display. He has published over 20 journal articles, writes a regular column on venture capital innovation in the Information Display Magazine, and holds over 80 patents with an additional 50 pending US applications. Helge received a B.Sc. in physics and a Ph.D. in interdisciplinary imaging technology (physics & computer science) from the University of British Columbia.

Dr. Giacomo Balistreri Dr. Giacomo Balistreri of INRS


Remembering & Honouring Dr. Andrea Rovere

(French to follow / Français à suivre)

It's with deep regret that that we have learnt of the passing of Dr. Andrea Rovere following a tragic road accident in Montreal while he was riding his bicycle, Monday September 27, 2021. For those close to him, please accept our deepest condolences.

This presentation will be an opportunity to remember and honour Dr. Andrea Rovere's life and work. If you are in a crisis, please contact your your local crisis service. In Canada, call at 1-866 APPELLE (277-3553)

Dr. Andrea Rovere's postdoctoral research at the Institut national de la recherche scientifique was on "the generation of intense ultrafast THz sources and their application to deep sub-wavelength nonlinear studies. In particular, he is currently exploring the THz field-driven photoemission from a novel generating of resonant photocathodes." 


C'est avec un profond regret que nous avons appris la nouvelle du décès de Dr. Andrea Rovere suite à un accident de la route tragique en vélo à Montréal, le lundi 27 septembre 2021. Pour ses proches, veuillez accepter mes condoléances les plus sincères.

Cettre présentation servira à commémmorer sa vie et son travail. Si vous êtes en situation de crise, appelez votre service de crise local. Au Canada et au Québec, 1-866 APPELLE (277-3553).

Le travail de recherche de Dr. Andrea Rovere à l'Institut national de la recherche scientifique était sur la génération de sources THz intenses et leurs applications pour les études dans le domaines des régimes non linéaires. Il explorait les phénomènes de de photoémissions Thz par des champs EM dans une photocathodes resonantes innovantes.


12:30-13:00 Networking and Welcome from the Chairs
13:00-14:00 Plenary: Physics and Entrepreneurship: a tandem of adventures, Helge Seetzen, CEO of TandemLaunch
14:00-14:30 Special session: Remembering & Honoring Dr. Andrea Rovere
14:30-15:30 Research poster event
15:30-16:15 Networking & Speed networking
16:15-16:30 Awards announcement and closing words



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