Research activities from Spanish Women in Sensors - WiSe

#Women #Sensors #Young #professionals #machine #learning #optical #fiber #graphene #electromagnetic #chemical #biological #gaseous #compounds

Research activities from Spanish Women in Sensors

The event will involve four invited speakers from academia and industry at different stages of their careers and with large experience in the field of sensors. This will allow reporting the point of view of women involved in the field of sensors from different perspectives.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 15 Oct 2021
  • Time: 09:30 AM to 02:00 PM
  • All times are (UTC+02:00) Madrid
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  • Co-sponsored by Ceit and Tecnun (Universidad de Navarra)
  • Starts 16 September 2021 09:44 PM
  • Ends 14 October 2021 08:00 PM
  • All times are (UTC+02:00) Madrid
  • No Admission Charge


Nerea de Acha Morrás of Public University of Navarre


Luminescence-based optical fiber sensors for the detection of gaseous compound


Nerea de Acha Morrás is a Telecommunications Engineer and PhD in Communications Technologies, Bioengineering and Renewable Energies by the UPNA. During 2017 he carried out a research stay at the University of Nottingham. She is currently working at Eversens S.L. in the project Breathalyser and collaborates as Associate Lecturer in the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering at UPNA.  Her main research lines are the development of nanostructured fiber optic sensors for different applications, such as the measurement of gaseous oxygen, the monitoring of priority pollutants in water or the detection of biomarkers in exhaled breath condensate.


Address:Campus Arrosadia, Los Tejos, 1ª Planta, Pamplona, Spain, 31006

Jimena Olivares Roza of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid


Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes integration in electroacoustic sensors for chemical andbiological applications


Jimena Olivares Roza received her B.Sc. degree and the M.Sc. degree in physics from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She received her Ph.D. degree in physics from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid,  for research work on polycrystalline SiGe thin films. She spent two years in a Spanish company, working as an expert in technology transfer and research projects management.  Her current research focuses on the development of electroacoustic devices based on AlN for high frequency filters and gravimetric sensors for health and environment applications. She is a referee for Applied Physics Letters, Semiconductor Science and Technology, Smart Materials and Structures, Sensors and Actuators B, Surface and Coatings Technology, Thin Solid Films, Sensors and Nanomaterials, Sensors and for the conference International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films.


Address:Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, B-307, Madrid, Spain



  • 9:30. Welcome talk. Gemma García Mandayo, IEEE Sensors Spain Chapter Vice President, Ceit and Tecnun (Universidad de Navarra)
  • 10:00.  Luminescence-based optical fiber sensors for the detection of gaseous compound.  Nerea de Acha Morrás, Universidad Pública de Navarra – Eversens S.L (Pamplona)  
  • 10:45. Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes integration in electroacoustic sensors for chemical and biological applications. Jimena Olivares Roza, Universidad Politécnica of Madrid.
  • 11:30. Coffee Break
  • 12:00h.  Machine learning for sensor applications. Ana Caren Hernández Ruiz, University of Zaragoza.
  • 12:45h. Electromagnetic sensors and non-destructive techniques for quality control and on-line monitoring of microstructure and mechanical properties in manufactured steel components. Ane Martinez de Guereñu, Ceit and Tecnun (Universidad de Navarra). 
  • 13:30. Closing talk. Carlos Ruiz Zamarreño, IEEE Sensors Spain Chapter President, Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • 14:00. Light Lunch

This will be a face-to-face event considering that the policy of both the local government (i.e., Spanish) and the hosting institution (Ceit and Tecnun-University of Navarra) allows organizing face-to-face meetings but it could be followed online for those of you that are not able to travel or prefer to follow the event at your safe location. In case of policy changes related to COVID-19 emergency we will migrate to a full-virtual format.