Project idea presentations
Students will be presenting your ideas for the autonomous car based. The presentation duration is 12 minutes
followed by 3 minutes of a Q&A session.
In the presentation it is expected but not limited to include and elaborate on the following points of the
The slides must include:
1. Introduction : This section must include the overview of the system. Explain the lab work
concepts in brief and how they have motivated you to come up with project ideas.
2. Abstract/Project Goal: This section must include the project abstract, goals or a short
description of what are the aims of your system.
3.Selection of Software Tools: This section must include the software tools you have
selected for your project. Make sure to also include the type of sensors selected in your robot.
4. Algorithm proposed: This section must include the algorithm you select for your
autonomous behaviour of the robot. The algorithm prosposed will include the ROS path
planning of your robots movement in the real/ simulated environment from point A to B.
5. Potential Challenges & Advantages: This section must include the potential challenges
you estimate for the scope of this project and advantages of the project based on the software
tools selected.
6. Proposed Timeline and Division of tasks: Group members are expected to discuss and
divide the project tasks equally during the project week 10- week 12. Mention the feasibility
and timeline of the project.
7. Conclusion: Summarise your presentation briefly in 5-6 points
This will be a group presentation, students are required to be present 10 minutes before their schedule and
are free to leave once the presentation has been completed.
Number Group Member 1 Group Member
Group Member 3 Start End
Group 1 Kevin Pham James Greer Ben Spenceley 12:05 pm 12:20 pm
Group 2 Oscar Keating Ethan Salafia Cameron Foley 12:25 pm 12:40 pm
Group 3 Jack Barnes Mark Torzillo Corey McAlpin 12:45 pm 1:00 pm
Group 4 Minh Long
Nguyen Humira Zaman Atika sultana 1:05 pm 1:20 pm
Group 5 Maxwell
DeMorgan Akash Agarwal Henry Zeng 1:25 pm 1:40 pm
Group 6
Liam Carroll Jayden
1:45 pm 2:00 pm
Group 7 Justin Heng Narges Toray Linus Lun 2:05 pm 2:20 pm
Group 8 Jonathan Barrett Ben Cah Byron Brake 2:25 pm 2:40 pm
Group 9 Tariq Riaz Ahmad Crystal Cheung 2:45 pm 3:00 pm
Group 10 Sakura
Wyllie Kurt Colgar 3:05 pm 3:20 pm
Group 11 suraj ravikumar Saksit
3:25 pm 3:40 pm
Group 12 Keith F. Jonathan Robb Jiarui Huang 3:45 pm 4:00 pm
Group 13 Blake James Tor Laurens Andrew Miller 4:05 pm 4:20 pm
Group 14 Daniel McAdams Chris Sutton Peter Lendrum 4:25 pm 4:40 pm
Group 15 Xixian Xiang Jack Lodge Ayman 4:45 pm 5:00 pm
Group 16 Louie Sun Jianchen Liu Arun 5:05 pm 5:20 p
Date and Time
- Date: 24 Sep 2021
- Time: 01:00 PM to 05:30 PM
- All times are (GMT+10:00) Australia/NSW
Add Event to Calendar
- Sydney, New South Wales
- Australia 2109
- Contact Event Host
- Co-sponsored by Prof. Subhas Mukhopadhyay