NextG Millimeter-Wave Channel Measurements, Models, and Systems
This webinar will focus on the challenges that millimetre-wave channel measurements, models, and systems pose for Regulators and Standards Organizations, Equipment Vendors, and Research Labs, and the role that IEEE SA P2982 - Recommended Practices for Verification of Millimetre-Wave Channel Sounders - will play in addressing them.
For more information, please contact the IEEE SA P2982 Chair, Prof. Dave Michelson, at
Date and Time
- Date: 26 Oct 2021
- Time: 07:00 AM to 08:30 AM
- All times are (GMT-08:00) America/Vancouver
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- Vancouver, British Columbia
- Canada V6T 1Z4
- Contact Event Hosts
- Co-sponsored by IEEE SA P2982 - Recommended Practices for Verification of Millimetre-Wave Channel Sounders
- Starts 10 October 2021 10:44 AM
- Ends 26 October 2021 06:50 AM
- All times are (GMT-08:00) America/Vancouver
- No Admission Charge
07:00 - Welcome and Introduction
07:10 - ITU-R Study Group 3 Interest in Channel Modelling
Carol Wilson, ITU-R Study Group 3
07:25 - Discussion
07:35 - System-Level Challenges in Building a 5G mmWave Channel Sounder
Kira Theuer, National Instruments
07:50 - Discussion
08:00 - On Communication Measurements and Modeling for NextG
Nada Golmie, NIST
08:15 - Discussion
08:25 - Closing Remarks
08:30 - End
- - - -
ITU-R Study Group 3 Interest in Channel Modelling
Carol Wilson, CSIRO
Study Group 3 of the International Telecommunication Union Radio Sector (ITU-R) develops radiowave propagation prediction methods to support international agreements on spectrum usage. This work relies on high quality measurement data for all frequency bands, radio services and environments. This presentation will describe the activities of Study Group 3, the need for more measurement data, particularly in millimetre bands and above, and how these data are used in developing ITU-R Recommendations on propagation. The importance of reliable measurements will be addressed in the context of international treaty-level allocations for new radiocommunication systems. The presentation will conclude with advice on how to submit measurement data to ITU-R Study Group 3.
Carol Wilson studied Electrical Engineering at Virginia Tech, specialising in radio propagation and attaining a Masters of Science degree. Since 1990 she has worked at CSIRO, Australia’s leading research organisation, on various radio system projects. In 2007, Carol joined the group developing the Australian component of the Square Kilometre Array radiotelescope, providing technical expertise on prediction and management of interference.
Carol is Chairman of Study Group 3 on radiowave propagation within the International Telecommunication Union Radiocommunication Sector. Carol has represented Australia at ITU World Radiocommunication Conferences which develop international agreements on the use of spectrum and is also active in ITU-R Study Group 7 on radioastronomy.
System-Level Challenges in Building a 5G mmWave Channel Sounder
Kira Theuer, National Instruments
While individual components in a mmWave channel sounding system are complex in their own rights - there is a whole additional set of challenges introduced when combining these discrete components into a larger system. This talk will address these system-level challenges: from the massive amount of data generated to the RF system calibration and everything in between.
Kira Theuer currently manages external partnerships for NI’s R&D Long Term Innovation program. She is responsible for the company’s academic and corporate research partnership strategy and for driving NI’s strategy for long term growth and technology innovation. Prior to joining NI’s R&D team, Kira was a senior business development manager focusing on advanced wireless research. She was responsible for pairing the wireless research community with a variety of tools and solutions in NI’s portfolio. Her work inspired adoption of NI’s 5G platform across the US and Canada and led to significant revenue growth within NI’s wireless product groupings.
On Communication Measurements and Modeling for NextG
Nada Golmie, NIST
2021 marks significant milestones in next generation (NextG) communication standardization development, infrastructure deployment and service use. In this talk we discuss key challenges in measurement science and modeling approaches for advanced communications going forward. We will review the main building blocks for advanced wireless communications in terms of efficient spectrum use, higher frequency bands and the use machine learning. The spectrum scarcity in today’s hyperconnected world is fueling further innovation in how to manage spectrum resources more dynamically and perhaps more efficiently. The millimeter-wave and terahertz bands hold the promise of significant bandwidth and speed due to large swaths of untapped spectrum. In addition, as massive data volumes are being collected, analyzed, and delivered, communications systems have become too complex to develop, manage, and operate. The insights that are “mined” from the data using Machine Learning (ML) techniques have become standard practice. In this talk, we discuss state-of-the art and key challenges in NextG measurement and modeling techniques to expedite the development and pave the way for the next “G”.