Audio Coding and Its Applications From MPEG-1 to Smartphone
Distinguished Lecturer Talk
This talk presents an overview of audio coding in the last 30 years. MPEG Audio Coding, which is a commodity today for everybody, is briefly explained with its early history and underlying technology for data compression. As one of the most important applications, the birth of an all solid-state audio player, known as the Silicon Audio, is highlighted which is a precursor of Apple’s iPod, followed by a history of portable multimedia terminals emerged into smartphones.
Date and Time
- Date: 11 Nov 2021
- Time: 07:00 PM to 08:00 PM
- All times are (UTC+11:00) Sydney
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Dr. Akihiko K. Sugiyama
Dr. Akihiko Sugiyama (a.k.a. Ken Sugiyama), affiliated with Yahoo! JAPAN Research after NEC Corporation, Japan, has been engaged in a wide variety of research projects in signal processing such as audio coding and signal enhancement. His team at NEC developed the world's first Silicon Audio in 1994, a precursor of the iPod. He served as the Chairman of the Audio and Acoustic Signal Processing Technical Committee, IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS) [2011-2012], as associate editors for several journals such as IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing [1994-1996], as the Secretary and a Member at Large to the Conference Board of SPS [2010-2011], as a member of the Awards Board of SPS [2015-2017], and as the Chair of Japan Chapter of SPS [2010-2011]. He was a Technical Program Chair for ICASSP2012. He has contributed to 17 chapters of books and is the inventor of over 217 registered patents with more pending applications in the field of signal processing. He received 19 awards such as the 2002 IEICE Best Paper Award, the 2006 and 2018 IEICE Achievement Award, and the 2013 Ichimura Industry Award. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and the IEICE, and a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE SPS and the IEEE CTSoc. He served as a member of the IEEE Fellow Committee in 2018-202
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