IEEE-SEIES (RFID/PE-741 Fukuoka) 2021 Best Student Paper Competition (Award): Need Assessment and Planning

#Technical #meeting #award #program

This meeting aims to discuss the prize (award) selection and distribution flowchart within proper time management, accuracy and transparency. The first stage is to raise fund and find sponsors to proceed with the implementation of this program.
The SEIES-IEEE encourages graduate students to participate in the best 3-top papers competition by submitting their manuscript covering Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) theme. The Sustainable Energy and Intelligent Society - SEIES (CH10901- Fukuoka Section Jt. Chapter, RFID741/PE31) is a peer-review process to identify the best papers and award student papers prizes. Articles must be original work written, neither published nor under review with other publishers. The corresponding or the first author shall be a full-time or part-time student at the time of application.
More than one student may write a single paper, and if a group paper is awarded the prize, the award will be given to the corresponding author. Prizes are awarded for the three best papers without considering the education and study courses, e.g., master and doctoral levels. The SEIES-IEEE retains the right not to make an award in any circumstances.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 26 Jul 2021
  • Time: 04:00 AM UTC to 05:00 AM UTC
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • University of the Ryukyus
  • Nishihara, Okinawa
  • Japan 903-0213
  • Building: Engineering Building 2
  • Room Number: 526

  • Contact Event Host
  • Survey: Fill out the survey