Vancouver Talk: Reminiscing about Early Days
IEEE Vancouver Life Members Affinity Group
Talk sessions that invite Members to express/describe their experiences to their fellow engineers.
Registration is optional, we are still learning how to use events.
Date and Time
- Date: 13 Nov 2021
- Time: 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
- All times are (GMT-08:00) Canada/Pacific
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- Vancouver, British Columbia
- Canada
- Contact Event Host
S. Carl Zanon, Chair
Vancouver Life Members Affinity Group
- Starts 09 November 2021 07:03 AM
- Ends 13 November 2021 01:00 PM
- All times are (GMT-08:00) Canada/Pacific
- No Admission Charge
Carl Zanon
1968 Minuteman Missile Penetration Aid, Safety & Reliability
Early history
Carl graduted UBC’s Electrical and Computer Engineering and joined IEEE when it was still AIEE.
His career has spanned power and satellite projects in Canada and USA.
John Harris
Why my grandma wanted me to invent Caller ID
Necessity is the mother of invention. But early family nuturing is a big factor, too.
Design engineer, retired from Nortern Telecom
Meeting Chair: Carl Zanon
IEEE Host: Bob Gill, Past Chair IEEE Vancouver Section
Guest: John Harris, Canadian Chair, LMAG
Introductions: View the participants. Comments from participants on their journey to Senior Member.
First speaker Carl Zanon, 1968 project, Minuteman Missile Penetration Aids, Safety and Reliability
Second speaker: John Harris, Why my grandma wanted me to invent Caller-ID
Third speaker: Bob Gill,
Fourth speaker: Contact Carl to volunteer
Close Meeting: Before noon.