VTS: The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act: What It Means for Passenger and Freight Railroad Investment
You will need a computer with speakers to watch the presentation. A microphone and webcam are optional but encouraged.
Please register by 5 pm Monday, December 13
Speaker: Jim Mathews, President, Rail Passengers Association
Topic: The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act: What It Means for Passenger and Freight Railroad Investment
Note: You only need to provide the required information (noted with a red *) on the registration web link, BUT please help us out and let us know if you are an IEEE or VTS member. Everyone is always welcome at our meetings and membership is NOT required, but when we send meeting reports to IEEE, we need to list the number of IEEE/VTS members who participate.
Date and Time
- Date: 14 Dec 2021
- Time: 05:00 PM UTC to 06:30 PM UTC
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- Online meeting / webinar
- Washington, District of Columbia
- United States
Jim Mathews of Rail Passengers Association
About the Speaker:
Jim Mathews became President & CEO of the Rail Passengers Association – a non-profit transportation advocacy organization operating in all 50 states – in 2014 after a 26-year-career in air transportation analysis as Executive Editor at Aviation Week & Space Technology. At Aviation Week, Mathews managed the publisher’s online news portfolio plus its forecasting and analysis unit. As Rail Passengers’ CEO, Mathews sits on several federal advisory panels, including the Federal Railroad Administration’s Rail Safety Advisory Committee, the RSAC’s Passenger Safety Working Group and the RSAC’s Hazardous Materials Working Group. In 2016, Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx appointed Mathews to the DOT’s National Advisory Committee on Travel & Transportation Infrastructure, a CEO-level group contributing to the DOT’s national transportation strategy for all travel modes. In 2019, DOT Secretary Elaine Chao re-appointed Mathews to a second ACTTI term.
Email: narp@narprail.org
Address:1200 G St. NW, Suite 240, Washington, District of Columbia, United States, 20005
- 12:00 am - Social conversation
- 12:30 pm - Technical presentation & discussion
- 01:30 pm - Adjourn
About the Topic:
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) has been hailed as a game-changer for rail investment by what most consider the most passenger rail-friendly Administration in history. Record levels of federal funding are planned. Jim will summarize the legislation and what it means for Amtrak, commuter rail, and mass transit investment as well as benefits for freight railroads from his perspective as a Washington, DC advocate.
- Chair: David (DJ) Johnson
- Vice-Chair: Reg Mitchell
- Secretary: Karl Berger, PE
- Treasurer: Steve Bezner, PE
- Cashier: Ken Briers
- Program Committee: Heather Roman, Matt Nawn
Please help your VTS Chapter: If you would like to speak or have contact information for a speaker, please contact Heather Roman <hroman at omni-strategy dot com> or Matt Nawn <matthew.nawn at dot.gov>
Future Meetings:
- January 11
- February 8
- March 8
- April 12
- May 10