CED: Modern trends in Low and Medium Voltage Motor Control Centers
This is a secure facility and attendees are encouraged to pre-register for all events so that their names will be on the registration list.
Innovations in Controls, Communications, Increased Safety, Advanced Diagnostics, and Control System Integration are marking advancements in Motor Control Centers are providing a safer work environment for the workers engaged in maintenance of the electrical equipment in the energized state.
Date and Time
- Date: 08 Dec 2021
- Time: 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM
- All times are (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
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- 5850 Rogerdale
- Houston, Texas
- United States 77072
- Room Number: Suite 150
- Contact Event Host
This is a two-day evening event, Day 1 (Tuesday) and Day 2 (Wednesday) from 5 pm - 8:30 pm.
Recommended CDC Social Distancing and Sanitation Protocols will be followed in addition to SEL Company guidelines for building space.
All registered attendees will receive a certificate for 5 Professional Development Hours (PDH)
- Co-sponsored by Co-sponsored by Continuing Education on Demand (CED)
- Starts 12 November 2021 07:07 AM
- Ends 06 December 2021 12:30 PM
- All times are (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
- Admission fee ?
Dean Bickerton
Dean Bickerton graduated from Auburn University in 1991 with a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree. He has been involved with industrial power distribution, motor control, and control systems his entire career as systems integrator, manufacturer, and electrical distributor for 30 years.
Dean is very active with IEEE/IAS PCIC and is the incoming District 7 Vice President for ISA, International Society of Automation, responsible for Texas and Louisiana sections.
5:00 PM - Complimentary dinner for all registered attendees.
5:15 PM - Registration and Check-In
6:00 PM - Seminar
7:15 PM - Break
7:30 PM - Seminar
8:30 PM - Seminar Ends
Recommended CDC Social Distancing and Sanitation Protocols will be followed in addition to SEL Company guidelines for building space.
All registered attendees will receive a certificate for 5 Professional Development Hours (PDH)
This is a two-day evening event, Day 1 (Tuesday) and Day 2 (Wednesday) from 5 pm - 8:30 pm.