New Energy Producing Devices -- Open Discussion
Virtual Presentaton and Review: Tom Kaminski will start the discussion with a brief review of emerging technology, focusing primarily on what has become known as "E-Cat" technology invented by Andrea Rossi of Leonardo Corporation. Leonardo Corporation is emphasized because two versions of E-Cat technology will have been announced as ready for commercial sale on Thursday, December 9th. After the introduction, the meeting will be opened up to discussions for anyone who wishes to participate.
Background: In the December 2021 Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, authors Freire Luciano Ondir and Andrade Delvonei Alves de state: “Since 1989 the announcement of ‘cold fusion’ by Stanley Pons and Martin Fleishmann, ‘cold fusion’ field has been surrounded by controversy. After three decades, this field is alive and has produced thousands of publications, most in dedicated periodic and conferences.” Further, the authors say “Some types of experiments present rising trends (the field does not fit in pathological science model) and have potential to bring disruptive technologies”. There are now several companies pursuing new technology and project market products. Four are:
1). Global Energy Corporation (GEC Link) whose ‘Hybrid Fusion Technology’ was identified in a contract to develop a 10 KW Thermal/2 KW Electrical generator for NASA/Glenn Research Center. Lawrence P. Forsley, GEC’s Chief Scientist and formerly of US Navy SPAWAR (Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command), who is a long time researcher in the field or LENR is the listed inventor of the patent for a ‘Hybrid Fast Fusion Fission Reactor’.
2). Brilliant Light Power (BLP Link) has developed a reactor dubbed ‘Sun Cell’ that uses a ‘hydrino’ reaction to generate power. The ‘hydrino’ is a state of the hydrogen atom that is predicted by Randall Mill’s theory: The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics (GUT-CP).
3). Aureon Energy LTD (Safire Link) has developed a system that grew out of the Safire Plasma Reactor Project and intends to address the markets for clean energy production, heating and remediation of nuclear waste. They draw upon the Mills GUT-CP theory, the Parkhomov Low-Energy Neutrino observations, and slow neutrons of the Widom-Larson theory to explain their reactions.
4). Leonardo Corporation (E-Cat Link) has developed a very efficient light that they claim produces 20,000 lumens (5000K color) with 4 watts, 12 times more efficient than the best LED light, and also a device that generates electricity directly from their patented process. The details of commercial products will be announced on Thursday, December 9th at 8:00 AM CST (see E-Cat December 9th Event Link for details). Andrea Rossi, the inventor, has published a theory paper (Rossi Theory Paper Link) that identifies some frameworks for formation of dense exotic electron clusters in the devices. The paper suggests the probable role of Casimir, Aharonov-Bohm, and collective effects in the formation of such structures.
ARPA-E LENR Workshop:
Global Energy Corporation:
Brilliant Light Power:
Aureon Energy:
Lugano Report (About October 8th, 2014):
Parkhomov Replication Paper:
Parkhomov Elemental Composition of Ni-H LENR Reactors:
QX Short Demo Link:
Ecat QX Long Demo Link:
Ecat SK Demo Link:
Ecat SKLep Test Report 1:
Ecat SKLep Test Report 2:
Ecat SKLep Test Report:
Presentaton Slides:
Date and Time
- Date: 15 Dec 2021
- Time: 07:00 PM to 08:30 PM
- All times are (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
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- Madison, Wisconsin
- United States 53703
- Starts 06 December 2021 03:22 PM
- Ends 15 December 2021 09:00 AM
- All times are (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
- No Admission Charge
7:00 PM Announcements and overview by Tom Kaminski
7:20 PM Open Discussions
8:30 PM Adjourn