Monthly webinar - The European Processor Initiative (EPI) project
Monthly webinar - The European Processor Initiative (EPI) project
Speaker: Prof. Jesus Labarta, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – UPC & BSC
Date: Tuesday, January 11th, 2022 4 PM (Israel Time),
Dear IEEE Israel chapter members, Dear guests,
The IEEE Computer Society Israel launches the first webinar out of a series of webinars in different areas of computer systems, Software engineering, Computer architectures, data center, accelerators for machine learning, security, and more.
The webinars offer insightful and enriching talks held by international leaders and professionals of the computer society sector.
The first free online webinar will discuss the “RISC-V vector processor in EPI (European Processor Initiative)”, and will be presented by Prof. Jesus Labarta, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – UPC & BSC
The European Processor Initiative (EPI) project aims at developing European processor technology for High-Performance Computing (HPC) and emerging application areas. Beyond leveraging ARM technology, an important objective of the project is to develop a fully owned implementation of a generic accelerator based on the RISC-V vector extension ISA. This talk aims to describe the fundamental vision behind the design of such an accelerator and its architectural features. Prof. Jesus Labarta will report on the implementation status of the first version of the microarchitecture. He will also present the software development vehicle (SDV) frameworks used to steer a holistic co-design approach, including operating system and overall system software developments to homogenize the heterogeneous combination of different cores in the overall platform.
The Webinar is free, but pre-registration is required. So, please sign up using the below link and the Zoom session details will be provided after registration.
Please contact us for any further details and updates on the series of IEEE Computer Society Webinars.
We are looking forward to your participation and future collaboration.
Prof. Avi Mendelson Prof. Freddy Gabbay
Chairman Vice-Chair
Date and Time
- Date: 11 Jan 2022
- Time: 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM
- All times are (GMT+02:00) Israel
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- Co-sponsored by Freddy Gaabbay
- Starts 14 December 2021 08:54 PM
- Ends 11 January 2022 04:00 PM
- All times are (GMT+02:00) Israel
- No Admission Charge