Power Electronics Grid Connected Converters Intelligent Control
Single and three-phase grid-connected converters are widely used in energy conversion systems such as renewable energies systems, electrical vehicles, active filters, etc... Maintaining a good power quality level in modern electric grid remains the greatest challenge in front of the nonstop harmonic pollution generated by operating nonlinear systems. Traditionally, grid-connected converters are controlled with conventional vector control methods. However, several limitations are associated with these mechanisms especially in their applicability to dynamic systems. Advanced non-linear controllers were introduced also for this behalf. Several control techniques applied for the grid connectivity applications will be discussed. Recently, the mitigation towards intelligent-based controllers started to gain more and more attention and to be integrated in the control of the grid connected converters. On this behalf, an overview about the latest advances in this field will be discussed.
Date and Time
- Date: 31 Jan 2022
- Time: 11:45 AM to 12:45 PM
- All times are (GMT-05:00) Canada/Eastern
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- Montreal, Quebec
- Canada
- Starts 26 January 2022 09:47 AM
- Ends 31 January 2022 01:30 PM
- All times are (GMT-05:00) Canada/Eastern
- No Admission Charge
Dr. Fadia Sebaaly
Fadia Sebaaly (S’14, M’18) received her B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees both in electrical engineering from the Lebanese University, Faculty of Engineering (II)-Beirut, Lebanon and Saint-Joseph University, Faculty of Engineering-ESIB, Beirut, respectively. In 2016, she received her PhD with high distinction from both Saint-Joseph Universityand the Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon. In summer 2014 & 2015 she was a visiting researcher with Groupe de Recherche en Électronique de Puissance et Commande Industrielle (GRÉPCI). She is a Senior researcher and member of the board of technical advisors in SmartD technologies as well as a postdoctoral researcher at École de Technologie Superieure (ÉTS). Dr. Sebaaly published 5 IEEE Transactions and 15 conference papers. Her research interest include multilevel converters topologies, advanced control techniques such as predictive and sliding mode controllers, Intelligent control, EMI filter design, power quality, renewable energy systems and AC motor drive systems.