Chemical Nanosensors Australia (CNA) Summit, 24-25 March 2022
Discover the latest applications for novel nanomaterials across a wide range of chemical sensing applications, ranging from health and safety to security and the internet of things. The Chemical Nanosensors Australia (CNA) summit brings together 14 researchers from 10 organisations to share the latest advancements in sensing technology. The event consists of a full day of talks from invited both local and international speakers and is proceeded by a half day workshop covering topics for students, ECRs and senior researchers alike.
The CNA Summit will be held in-person at Swinburne's Hawthorn campus and simultaneously streamed online. Students are encouraged to enter the peer-reviewed poster competition with prizes for best posters.
For more information visit and secure your spot by registering for free at
We look forward to meeting you in the summit.
Best regards,
Mahnaz Shafiei, Chris Harrison, Ylias Sabri, Ahmad Kandjani, Jian Zhen Ou
Organising Committee
Chemical Nanosensors Australia (CNA)
Date and Time
- Start time: 24 Mar 2022 09:00 AM
- End time: 25 Mar 2022 05:00 PM
- All times are (GMT+10:00) Australia/Victoria
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- Melbourne, Victoria
- Australia
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- Co-sponsored by Swinburne University of Technology