VTS: MARC's Riverside Heavy Maintenance Building
You will need a computer with speakers to watch the presentation. A microphone and webcam are optional but encouraged.
Please register by 5 pm Monday, March 7
Webinar login details will be provided by 8:00pm on Monday, March 7.
Topic: MARC's Riverside Heavy Maintenance Building: Constructing Now to Improve Maintenance Tomorrow.
MDOT MTA MARC Train is building a heavy maintenance building at Riverside Yard in Baltimore. When completed, the facility will permit MARC to bring almost all rolling stock and locomotive maintenance in-house, improving the quality of work and significantly reducing equipment downtime. Our speakers will discuss the planning and execution of the construction, technical details about the features of the building, and review challenges that were faced along the way and how they were addressed.
Note: You only need to provide the required information (noted with a red *) on the registration web link, BUT please help us out and let us know if you are an IEEE or VTS member. Everyone is always welcome at our meetings and membership is NOT required, but when we send meeting reports to IEEE, we need to list the number of IEEE/VTS members who participate.
Date and Time
- Date: 08 Mar 2022
- Time: 12:00 PM to 01:30 PM
- All times are (GMT-05:00) US/Eastern
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- Washington, District of Columbia
- United States
- Starts 01 March 2022 11:30 AM
- Ends 07 March 2022 05:00 PM
- All times are (GMT-05:00) US/Eastern
- No Admission Charge
Dean Del Peschio of MDOT MTA MARC Train
Dean Del Peschio joined MARC Train Service in 2016 as the Chief Mechanical Officer and served as Deputy Director prior to assuming his current role of Director of MARC Train Service. He is responsible for oversight of all MARC Train operations, including its Operations, Facilities, and Mechanical Departments, and all third-party contractors that operate and maintain MARC trains. In addition, he coordinates with the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) in its oversight role of commuter rail, and with MARC’s two host railroads Amtrak (Penn Line) and CSX (Camden and Brunswick Lines). Mr. Del Peschio holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Lehigh University and has worked closely with the MARC team, MTA Engineering, and other stakeholders on the Riverside Heavy Maintenance Building (RHMB) project.
Address:Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Paul Krysowaty of MDOT MTA MARC Train
Paul Krysowaty joined MARC Train in 2012 as the Chief Facilities Officer, providing leadership to a dedicated and high functioning team of railroad professionals to ensure safe and reliable service on the MARC commuter Penn, Camden, and Brunswick lines. He is responsible for mainline track and signal systems, six Locomotive and Car shops, 44 Passenger Stations, and all major facilities-related capital projects. In 2020, Krysowaty was named the Deputy Director of MARC, in addition to his responsibilities as Chief Facilities Officer.
Address:Baltimore, Maryland, United States
- 12:00 pm - Introductions/roll call and discussion of current rail industry news and happenings
- 12:30 pm - Technical presentation & discussion
- 01:30 pm - Adjourn
- Chair: David (DJ) Johnson
- Vice-Chair: Reg Mitchell
- Secretary: Karl Berger, PE
- Treasurer: Steve Bezner, PE
- Cashier: Ken Briers
- Program Committee: Heather Roman, Matt Nawn
Please help your VTS Chapter: If you would like to speak or have contact information for a speaker, please contact Heather Roman <hroman at omni-strategy dot com> or Matt Nawn <matthew.nawn at dot.gov>
Future Meetings:
- April 12
- May 10