Reasoning and Decision Making in Model-System Architecting
Abstract. This lecture presents a Model-Based System Architecting (MBSA) framework that has recently been published as a chapter in the Handbook of Model-Based Systems Engineering. The MBSA framework facilitates the specification of architecture as a reasoning process – a series of conceptualization and decision-making activities, backed up by an MBSE environment. The framework captures both the ontology of a stakeholder-driven and solution-oriented system architecture, and the process of growing the architecture as a series of conceptualization steps through five ontological domains: the stakeholder domain, the mission domain, the capability domain, the Tradespace, and the solution architecture. Our MBSA approach shifts the modeling focus from recording to conceptualizing, exploring, decision-making, and innovating. In comparison to an “offline” architecting process, our approach may initially require a bigger effort but should enable stronger stakeholder engagement, clearer architectural decision point framing, quicker exploration, better long-term viability, and increased model robustness. We show how the framework was applied for modeling and analysis of a mission architecture. We will discuss the implementation of the framework using both Object Process Methodology (OPM) and the Systems Modeling Language (SysML). We will also discuss the suitability of this framework for functional analysis in accordance with the FAST methodology.
Three main references that this lecture relies on, in addition to several others, are:
- Mordecai, Y., & Crawley, E. F. (2021) Towards Context-Awareness in Model-Based Requirements Engineering. IEEE International Systems Conference,
- Mordecai, Y., Markina-Khusid, A., Quinn, G., & Crawley, E. F.(2022) Applying Model-Based Ontology Coverage Analysis to Mission Architectures. IEEE Aerospace Conference 2022, Big Sky, MT, USA,
- Menshenin Y., Mordecai Y., Crawley E.F., Cameron B.G. (2022) Model-Based System Architecting and Decision-Making. In: Madni A.M., Augustine N., Sievers M. (eds) Handbook of Model-Based Systems Engineering. Springer, Cham.
Date and Time
- Date: 06 Apr 2022
- Time: 04:00 PM to 07:00 PM
- All times are (GMT+02:00) Israel
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- Co-sponsored by Israeli Society for Systems Engineering - INCOSE_IL - האיגוד הישראלי להנדסת מערכות
Dr. Yaniv Mordecai of Tel Aviv University
Reasoning and Decision Making in Model-System Architecting
Dr. Yaniv Mordecai is a senior research scientist at, senior teaching fellow at Tel Aviv University, Systems Engineering Research Initiative (TAU-SERI), and founder and chairperson of the IEEE Systems Council Israel Chapter. He is also an observer on the board of the Israeli Society for Systems Engineering – INCOSE_IL and founder of the INCOSE_IL MBSE Special Interest Group, and Senior Member of the IEEE. From 2019 to 2021, Dr. Mordecai was a post-doctoral researcher at MIT, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Engineering Systems Laboratory (ESL), where he remains a research affiliate. He holds a Ph.D. in information systems engineering from Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (2016), and M.Sc. (2010, cum laude) and B.Sc. (2002) degrees in industrial engineering & management from Tel-Aviv University. His research interests include model-based systems engineering, model analytics, decision analysis, operations research, and cyber-physical informatics.
Note: Dr. Yaniv Mordecai does not represent in this lecture, and the work presented is based solely on research that was completed during his time at MIT.
Address:United States
Dr. Moshe Weiler
פתיחה, סקירת המשך תוכנית קבוצת העבודה, סקירת המפגש והמרצים
ד"ר משה ויילר (יו"ר קבוצת העבודה) – בעל תואר B.Sc . בהנדסת חשמל מהטכניון (1987), תואר M.Sc. בהנדסת חשמל (1994) ו- תוכנית MBA מאוניברסיטת ת"א (1995), ו-Ph.D. בהצטיינות יתרה בהנדסת מערכות מאוניברסיטת USC בלוס אנג'לס, קליפורניה, ארה"ב (1998). ממקימי תוכנית התואר השני בהנדסת מערכות בטכניון (1999) המונה כ- 1,500 בוגרים. משמש כמרצה בכיר בקורסי הליבה של התוכנית (מ- 1999) וכחוקר בכיר במרכז גורדון להנדסת מערכות בטכניון (מ- 2008). מרצה על ניהול סיכונים והזדמנויות בתוכנית ה- MBA בפקולטה לניהול באוניברסיטת ת"א (מ- 2019). ממייסדי הארגון להנדסת מערכות בישראל (INCOSE_IL Founder - 1999) עמית הארגון (Fellow - 2019) והוביל במשך מעל 15 שנים את קבוצות העבודה בתחומי ארכיטקטורה, אימות ותיקוף, וניהול סיכונים (תחת הרשות לחדשנות/המדען הראשי).
ד"ר ויילר מרצה ויועץ לארגונים שונים בתחומי הנדסת מערכות וניהול סיכונים.
16:00 -16:15 |
ד״ר משה ויילר – פתיחה, סקירת המשך תוכנית קבוצת העבודה, סקירת המפגש והמרצים |
16:15-17:15 |
ד״ר יניב מרדכי – Reasoning and Decision Making in Model-System Architecting – Part I |
17:15-17:30 | הפסקת נטוורקינג וירטואלית בחדרים (Breakout Rooms) או הפסקה רגילה |
17:30-18:30 |
ד״ר יניב מרדכי – Reasoning and Decision Making in Model-System Architecting – Part II |
18:30- 19:00 | שאלות ותשובות, סיכום ושיח פתוח. |