IEEE MTT/AP Chapter FDU Student Scholarship Initiatives: STEM Education and Humanitarian Project Activities
IEEE North Jersey Section MTT/AP Chapter, SIGHT Group, and IEEE AP-S COPE Co-sponsors the Student Membership Drive Event
Covid-19 pandemic restricted in-person meetings and events, for the first time in over two years, more than 100 scholarship recipients and donors gathered to enjoy a meal together at Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Scholarship Luncheon, which was held on March 24 in Lenfell Hall on the University’s Florham Campus. The goal of the event is to bring together the University’s generous alumni and friends who make gifts to support student scholarships and the ambitious and determined students who benefit from that support. scholarship luncheon story (
Dr. Ajay Poddar, Chair of the IEEE North Jersey Section, interacted with the donors, FDU faculty staff, and students, and share the importance of IEEE membership for professional networking and career growth. Dr. Poddar discussed the IEEE STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) initiative, IEEE SIGHT (Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology), and IEEE AP-S COPE (Committee on Promoting Equality) project for the benefit of the underserved communities worldwide to support the IEEE Mission-"Advancing Technology for Humanity".
Recently Student Project was submitted on the topic " EARLY DETECTION OF MELANOMA SKIN CANCER" for the consideration of approval from IEEE AP-S and IEEE North Jersey Section. Skin cancer is a significant problem for public health, and it can affect anyone, regardless of skin color, gender, and age. Further, it is a leading cause of death worldwide. In the USA, it has been reported that there are more than 100,000 new patients in 2020. The deadliest and most severe form of skin cancer is called Melanoma. Most melanoma cases are due to skin exposure to natural and artificial UV light. Its radiation destroys the DNA of skin cells. Furthermore, melanoma skin cancer is one of the leading health problems throughout the world, and the vast majority of skin cancer deaths are from Melanoma. Melanoma is curable up to 99 percent if it is early detected and treated - before it spreads to the lymph node.
To support the mission – advancing technology for the benefit of humanity – and the vision of IEEE, the FDU’s IEEE Student Branch Chapter jointly collaborated with IEEE North Jersey Section AP/MTT Joint Chapter, IEEE North Jersey Section SIGHT, IEEE AP-S COPE, and IEEE AP-S SIGHT. The project proposals address the DEI (Diversity Equity and Inclusion), engagement of local high School Students in the training, STEM initiatives in an underserved community, scaling, and sharing with other IEEE chapters worldwide. The outcome of this project will satisfy the AP-S COPE mission, specifically, training the undergrad students and preparing them as an ambassador for giving training to next-generation high school students, this will create a long-term impact and motivate the local students in serving members and community we live in. Finally, it leverages the possibility of challenging and fair service opportunities for better health care and medical technology by using Antenna and other engineering technology for low-cost medical solutions.
Students are encouraged to apply for the “Divyansh Atman Poddar Student Scholarship/Project Award” for pursuing their careers in STEM and Engineering Education for contributing to society. Donors are encouraged to support the scholarship project for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Education for addressing the IEEE Mission "Advancing the technology for Humanity".
Divyansh Atman Poddar scholarship (
Leveraging Technology for Sustainable Development - IEEE SIGHT
Committee On Promoting Equality (COPE) (
Date and Time
- Date: 24 Mar 2022
- Time: 04:00 PM UTC to 08:00 PM UTC
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- Fairleigh Dickinson University, Florham Campus
- 175 Park Avenue
- Florham Park, New Jersey
- United States 07932
- Building: Hennessy Hall
- Contact Event Hosts
- Co-sponsored by IEEE North Jersey Section
Dr. Ajay Poddar, Chief Scientist of Synergy Microwave Corp., 201 McLean Boulevard, Paterson, NJ, USA
IEEE STEM Event-FDU (Fairleigh Dickinson University) Scholarship Initiatives: Divyansh Atman Poddar Student Scholarship/
Dr. Ajay Poddar, Chair of the IEEE North Jersey Section, interacted with the donors, FDU faculty staff, and students, and share the importance of IEEE membership for professional networking and career growth. Dr. Poddar discussed the IEEE STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) initiative, IEEE SIGHT (Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology), and IEEE AP-S COPE (Committee on Promoting Equality) project for the benefit of the underserved communities worldwide to support the IEEE Mission-"Advancing Technology for Humanity". Students are encouraged to apply for the “Divyansh Atman Poddar Student Scholarship/Project Award” for pursuing their careers in STEM and Engineering Education for contributing to society. Donors are encouraged to support the scholarship project for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Education for addressing the IEEE Mission "Advancing the technology for Humanity".
Divyansh Atman Poddar scholarship (
Leveraging Technology for Sustainable Development - IEEE SIGHT
Committee On Promoting Equality (COPE) (
Dr. Ajay Poddar graduated in Electronics & Communication Engineering from NIT-C (National Institute of Technology Calicut), India; M. Tech (Master of Technology) from IIT-D (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi) India; Doctorate (Dr.-Ing.) from TUB (Technical University Berlin), Germany; Post Doctorate (Dr.-Ing. habil) from BTU (Brandenburg Technical University) Cottbus, Germany. He has received over dozen awards for scientific and technological innovations and meritorious services; holds over two dozen patents in his credit for scientific inventions, published over 300 scientific papers in journals and international conferences, and co-authored 3 technical books. From 1991-to 2001 he has worked as Senior Scientist and Program Manager in DRDO, Govt. of India. Since 2001, he has been working as a Chief Scientist at Synergy Microwave Corp, New Jersey, USA, responsible for the design and development of signal generation and signal processing electronics for industry, medical and space applications. From 1991 until 2001 his research work was in the field of RADAR, Guidance Systems, microwave/millimeter-wave electronic sensors, optoelectronics, and microelectromechanical systems for various applications that include medical, space, and humanitarian projects. His current research interests include Opto-Electronic based signal generation and signal processing modules, microelectromechanical switching devices, metamaterial electronics, and Sensors. Dr. Poddar is also serving as a visiting professor at Oradea University Romania; Indian Institute of Technology Jammu, India; and Guest Lecturer at Technical University Munich, Germany. Dr. Poddar is serving on the advisory board of MIT School of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Pune, India; and of Don Bosco Institute of Tech, Mumbai, India. Dr. Poddar has served on the Technical Program Review Committee for many IEEE-sponsored conferences for multiple years as well as serving on the Steering Committee for several Technical conferences globally organized in the past 25 years.
Dr. Poddar is a proactive IEEE volunteer, served as a Chair of many committees including Chair of IEEE SIGHT Award & Recognition sub-communities, Co-Chair of MTT-S SIGHT, Chair of AP-S SIGHT, and Chair of AP-S CAC, and Chair of IEEE HAC Inter-Society Working Group. Dr. Poddar is currently serving as a committee member of TC MTT-22, MTT-S MGA, MTT-S R1 Coordinator, MTT-S AdCom Member (2019-2021), AP-S AdCom member (2018-2020), AP-S DL (Distinguish Lecturer) Program, and AP-S NDC New Direction Committee), SIGHT Steering Committee (SSC) and the Ad-Hoc Strategic Partnerships Committee Chair (2019-2020), and IEEE North Jersey Section Chair. In addition to this Dr. Poddar served as the adviser for several award-winning papers in IEEE sponsored student paper and student design competitions, and organizer of several Student Design Contests and technical workshops. He is the recipient of the 2009 IEEE Region 1 Award for “Outstanding Leadership and Contributions in the Research, Design, and Development of Microwave Systems”; the recipient 2015 IEEE Region 1 Award for “Outstanding Scientific Contributions, Leadership and Service, 2015 IEEE IFCS W.G. Cady Award in recognition of his outstanding scientific contributions on a host of frequency generating and frequency controlled electronics and timing devices for industrial, medical, and space applications, and prestigious 2018 IEEE MGA Innovation Award for his dedicated volunteering service to members, chapters and humanitarian projects. He has been involved in volunteering services helping the underprivileged and underserved community for more than 30 years.
Address:Synergy Microwave Corporation, 201 McLean Blvd., Paterson, New Jersey, United States, 07504
Christopher S. Groff
FDU scholarship Luncheon Event
Covid-19 pandemic restricted in-person meetings and events, for the first time in over two years, more than 100 scholarship recipients and donors gathered to enjoy a meal together at Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Scholarship Luncheon, which was held on March 24 in Lenfell Hall on the University’s Florham Campus. The goal of the event is to bring together the University’s generous alumni and friends who make gifts to support student scholarships and the ambitious and determined students who benefit from that support.
Address:1000 River Road, H-DH3-12, Office of University Advancement, Teaneck, New Jersey, United States, 07666