How Network Testing Ensures 5G Network Performance

#QoE #5G #NR

IEEE North Jersey Section Co-sponsors the event

  • This webinar is focused on:

    • Typical private networks deployment scenarios today
    • Machine QoE and interactive use cases in private networks
    • How to enable performance and coverage tuning
    • Regular performance and coverage checks
  • For login information and password, please register by clicking the online link:  Image Register now

  Date and Time




  • Date: 21 Apr 2022
  • Time: 01:00 PM to 02:00 PM
  • All times are (GMT-05:00) US/Eastern
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • Virtual Technical Webinar Meeting
  • Virtual, New Jersey
  • United States
  • Building: Virtual

  • Contact Event Hosts
  • Ajay Poddar (, Edip Niver (, Anisha Apte (, Durga Misra (, Har Dayal (, Naresh Chand (

  • Co-sponsored by IEEE North Jersey Section


Christian Müller Christian Müller of Rohde & Schwarz


How Network Testing Ensures 5G Network Performance

The deployment of private networks for manufacturing, industrial applications and a wide range of other uses is taking off with the emergence of 5G, initially using non-standalone but now also 5G SA. In particular, business-critical use cases are enabled by the capacity, speed and reactivity of 5G, for example to make factories more flexible, efficient and productive. This webinar discussed how private 5G networks can be evaluated by passive and active network tests as basis for network optimization and to ensure their performance even in the most demanding requirements. 

In this webinar, you will learn about:

  • Typical private networks deployment scenarios today
  • Machine QoE and interactive use cases in private networks
  • How to enable performance and coverage tuning
  • Regular performance and coverage checks


Christian Müller has been working for Rohde & Schwarz for more than 37 years and currently he is Senior Business Development Manager within the network testing market segment, covering the whole test and measurement chain from RF to the end-user experience, focusing on helping customers to deliver better services and higher network performance.

Address:Rohde & Schwarz, , United States


Title: How Network Testing Ensures 5G Network Performance

Date: Thursday, April 21, 2022

Time: 01:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Duration: 1 hour

For login information and password, please register by clicking the online link:  Image Register now