The growth of the population on Earth, the impact of climate change, increasing industrial and communal pollution on the one hand and the development of scientific and technological achievements in agriculture on the other hand, determine the dynamic development of this sector. The growth of the world's population and, consequently, the increase in demand for food and food products are in contradiction with the fact that due to climate change and its immediate consequences (drought and floods, pollution of land, water and air), arable agricultural land is constantly decreasing. In addition to this, demographic trends are of such a character that the number of inhabitants in urban areas is growing significantly, while in rural areas the population is very small. These facts lead to a disproportion between the requirements and the possibilities of agricultural production. Agriculture is one of the key components of the economic development of the Republic of Serbia because, in addition to economic, it also has a pronounced social and environmental significance. However, agriculture in Serbia is still significantly carried out in the traditional way, without the introduction of modern knowledge and agro-technical measures appropriate to developed and environmentally-conscious countries. Where agro-technical measures are applied, it is done in an irrational and economically unsustainable way. An example is the measure of crop irrigation, which is a key link in the production chain in the conditions of climate change. Although only about 2% of usable agricultural land is irrigated in Serbia, this agro-technical measure is carried out mostly with the use of fossil fuel aggregates (petrol and diesel), which release harmful gases that go into the atmosphere and intensify the greenhouse effects, polluting the ecosystem and thus causing significant economic losses.
This lecture will present concrete realizations of a hybrid power supply systems mainly based on renewable energy sources (RES), primarily solar and wind energy, which were used for irrigation of vegetable crops and for smart management of agricultural land in several locations around Belgrade. Based on the design experience of lecturer in the field of OFF-GRID systems design, the lecture will present the specifics and methods of designing these power supply systems, as well as control structures, with emphasis on application in irrigation systems. All types of power conversion DC / DC, DC / AC, AC / DC take a special place in these systems and as such largely determine the behavior of the entire OFF-GRID system. The lecture will present the latest topologies of converters used in these systems, as well as some exploitation problems and technical aspects of practical implementation. Finally, directions for further development of OFF-GRID systems for the improvement of agrotechnical irrigation measures will be given, as well as directions for further development of power converter topologies applied in these systems.
Date and Time
- Date: 28 Apr 2022
- Time: 01:00 PM to 02:00 PM
- All times are (UTC+02:00) Belgrade
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- Koste Glavinića 8A
- Belgrade, Serbia & Montenegro
- Serbia & Montenegro 11000
- Building: Main building
- Room Number: 211
PhD.E.E Zeljko Despotovic of Mihajlo Pupin Institut, University of Belgrade
This lecture will present concrete realizations of a hybrid power supply systems mainly based on renewable energy sources (RES), primarily solar and wind energy, which were used for irrigation of vegetable crops and for smart management of agricultural land in several locations around Belgrade. Based on the design experience of lecturer in the field of OFF-GRID systems design, the lecture will present the specifics and methods of designing these power supply systems, as well as control structures, with emphasis on application in irrigation systems. All types of power conversion DC / DC, DC / AC, AC / DC take a special place in these systems and as such largely determine the behavior of the entire OFF-GRID system. The lecture will present the latest topologies of converters used in these systems, as well as some exploitation problems and technical aspects of practical implementation. Finally, directions for further development of OFF-GRID systems for the improvement of agrotechnical irrigation measures will be given, as well as directions for further development of power converter topologies applied in these systems.
Željko V. Despotović was born in Prijepolje, Serbia. He finished primary school and high school in Nova Varoš, Serbia, 1979 and 1983, respectively. He received the B.Sc.(dipl.ing), M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in School of Electrical Engineering (Chair of Power Converters and Drives), from the University of Belgrade, Serbia, 1990, 2003 and 2007, respectively. He has been with the Department of Mechatronics, Mihajlo Pupin Institute, Belgrade, since 1991. His research interests include the fields of power electronics, mechatronics, power converters control, vibration control and control of vibratory conveying systems. His currently positions in Mihajlo Pupin Institute are: Full Research Professor and Head R&D Engineer of Power Electronics. During his scientific research and professional work, he has led a number of significant research and development and scientific projects of interest to the electric power industry, process industry and water management. During his scientific research work was deal with the following areas: design and control of power converters, control of mechanical systems and mechanisms, hydraulics and hydrodynamics systems, control of vibrations and development of industrial controllers. He has published 20 papers in leading international scientific journals, 120 papers at international conferences, 50 papers in leading national journals and more than 80 papers at national conferences. He is the author of many technical solution and realizations of industrial prototypes (more than 70 technical solutions and more than 30 industrial prototypes). He participated in a number of international and academic projects, as in scientific and investment national projects. It has a Graduate Engineer's Licenses (Serbian Chamber of Engineers): 352-Responsible Designer of Electrical Drive Control - automatic, measuring and regulation and 350-Responsible Designer of Low and Medium Voltage Power System, Serbian Chamber of Engineers. He participated as a designer and as responsible designer, on more investment project (more than 80 projects). In the last ten years, he has been more intensively engaged in the designing of ON GRID and OFF GRID hybrid power supply systems for various purposes and the design of solar photovoltaic power plants with power from 100kW to 3MW. He is professor at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Applied Science - Belgrade, Serbia, since February 2010. He is professor at PhD academic studies on the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade-Chair of Power Converters and Drives (teaching courses: Power Converter, Control of Power Converter), since 2014. He is IEEE senior member, since 2015. He is the President of the Scientific Council of the Institute Mihajlo Pupin, University of Belgrade, since 2020.
Address:Mihajlo Pupin Institut, University of Belgrade, Volgina 15, Begrade, Serbia & Montenegro, Serbia & Montenegro, 11060