Practice and Education of Ethical, Legal, and Societal issues on Information and Communication Technology
This symposium comprehensively examines the education and practice of ELSI (ethical, legal, and social aspects) in the field of electronic information and communication technology (ICT) such as artificial intelligence and data science, and its bridging.
The word "ELSI" has appeared as one of the keywords in the "6th Science and Technology Innovation Basic Plan". The word "ELSI" may be a little unfamiliar except in the fields of STS(science and technology studies, or Science, Technology, and Society) and science and technology policy. The purpose of this symposium is to deepen understanding through lectures and discussions on how to practice and educate ELSI in ICT, and how to bridge the gap between STS and other fields.
At this symposium, we will invite three experts who have actually promoted activities related to ELSI education and practice to give lectures and discuss them. Professor Mitsuo Kishimoto (Osaka University) will give a lecture on the practice of academia-industry collaborative ELSI activities based on their experience of supporting ELSI activities in industry. Professor Yoshiki Hamada (Asahikawa National College of Technology) will give a lecture on consensus building on science and technology, including topics related to ELSI education that utilizes card games. Professor Yuko Murakami (Rikkyo University) will give a lecture on ELSI education at the graduate level of advanced science and technology studies that utilizes discussions.
Based on the lectures by the three lecturers, we will discuss how to bridge the education and practice of ELSI in the ICT field.
Date and Time
- Date: 12 Nov 2021
- Time: 03:30 PM to 05:30 PM
- All times are (GMT+09:00) Japan
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- Co-sponsored by Social Implications of Technology and Information Ethics, IEICE, Japan
Prof. Atsuo Kishimoto
Integrating ELSI responses into business activities
16:30-16:55 Prof. Yuko Murakami (Rikkyo Univ.) ICT-ELSI in Graduate Level
-- Case of "Ethics of Advanced Science and Technology" course --
Prof. Ryoju Hama
Consensus Building on Cutting-edge Science and Society and Engineering Design
Consensus Building on Cutting-edge Science and Society and Engineering Design