Southwest Missouri IEEE - Section Springfield Summer Social @ Ocean Zen
Southwest Missouri IEEE - Section Springfield Summer Social @ Ocean Zen
Summer Member Social at Ocean Zen Restaurant from 6:00P to 8:00P. Ocean Zen is at 4117 S. National Ave, Springfield MO 65807. The event is no charge requiring RSVP for SW MO IEEE Member and significant other (2 people max per RSVP) with a buffet being served. We have reserved space for 30 people based on previous event attendance. We might be able to expand up to 50 if space is still available at June 9th RSVP close date. Reservations are on a first come RSVP basis to Tayo Obafemi-Ajeyi ( by 9 June 2022. Alcoholic beverages must purchased independently by member (not covered by the Section). This purely a Social gathering to be enjoyed by our members with good food and conversation.
Date and Time
- Date: 17 Jun 2022
- Time: 11:00 PM UTC to 01:00 AM UTC
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- Contact Event Host
- for Social Event RSVP
- Co-sponsored by Southwest Missouri IEEE, Steve Lien, Tayo Obafemi Ayo
Converse and Dine
Southwest Missouri IEEE - Section Springfield Summer Social @ Ocean Zen