Hey Guys! Are you feeling bored?
Don't worry IEEE RVR STB is there for you with new fantastic events. Now, we came with an event that makes you boost up....!!!!!!
Everyone is close to Maths in our daily life. IEEE RVR JC CE STB presents "TRICKY MATHS"....!!!!!
Mathematics can be fun if you treat it the right way. Maths is nothing less than a game that polishes your intelligence and boosts your concentration. Compared to older times, people have a better and more friendly approach to mathematics, making it more appealing. The golden rule is to know that maths is a mindful activity rather than a task.
There are innumerable methods to make easy maths tricky questions and answers. This includes the inception of the ideology that maths is more straightforward than their fear. This can be done by connecting maths with everyday life.
Here are some fun, tricky, and hard-to-solve maths problems that will challenge your thinking ability.
Rules and how to participate:
--> Participants will be given 20-30 questions.
--> The competition ends in 30 minutes (approximate).
--> Players should use their own devices, e.g. a phone, to join the game via or the Kahoot! the app, by entering the PIN and their nickname.
--> Once all players are in the game lobby, click Start.
--> Players should answer the questions they see on the shared screen with their devices. (Only options will be displayed on your screen).
Date and Time
- Date: 21 Jul 2022
- Time: 07:00 PM to 08:00 PM
- All times are (UTC+05:30) Chennai
Add Event to Calendar
- Starts 18 July 2022 10:30 AM
- Ends 21 July 2022 07:00 PM
- All times are (UTC+05:30) Chennai
- No Admission Charge