PPPEAC General Meeting and Factory Tour

#Factory #Power #Electronics #IAS #PELS #PCB #Fabrication #Magna-Power

The Princeton-Philadelphia Power Advancement Consortium (PPPEAC) wants to welcome the public to an in-person factory tour at Magna-Power Electronics (MPE), followed by a general IEEE PELS/IAS chapter meeting, and question/answers for the webinar hosted the previous day. This is a rare opportunity to see the company’s vertically integrated factory, winner of the 2016 NJ Manufacturer of the year, where all engineering, manufacturing, support, and North America servicing is performed.

The webinar, Power Electronics Hardware Design for Manufacturability, takes place Thursday, September 15th, 3pm EST and is co-hosted with PPPEAC and the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter (SFBAC-PELS). SBAC-PELS is graciously handling registration and hosting for the event here.

The in-person factory tour and general meeting takes Friday September 16th, 4 - 6pm, at MPE headquarters located at 39 Royal Road, Flemington NJ, 08822. The meeting agenda is provided in the following section. Space is limited. Preference will be given to Society, IEEE, PPPEAC members, and non-members, respectively. Reservation, arrival, and parking instructions will be provided to those that register.

Factory Tour Overview

At Magna-Power’s 73,500 sq-ft company-owned design and manufacturing facility in Flemington, New Jersey, the company has vertically integrated production of its products, starting from raw materials and electrical components, to completed high-power electronic assemblies. This level of integration provides Magna-Power with complete control over its quality, lead-time, and costs.

The visitors would be split up into multiple groups, and each group would spend around ~5 minutes in each department with a Magna-Power team member. The facility is divided into the following departments:

  • Sheet Metal
  • Printed Circuit Board
  • Machining
  • Sub-Assembly
  • Magnetics
  • Final-Assembly
  • Testing
  • Logistics

Visitors would have the opportunity to witness first hand how Magna-Power makes all of their products from start to finish along with the production processes employed.

For and broad overview of Magna-Power operations visit the virtual tour.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 16 Sep 2022
  • Time: 08:00 PM UTC to 10:00 PM UTC
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • Magna-Power Electronics
  • 39 Royal Road
  • Flemington, New Jersey
  • United States 08822

  • Contact Event Host


Factory Tour

Food and Refreshments

Call to Order

Approval of Minutes (https://ieee-pppeac.org/?page_id=18)

Officer Introduction and Reports

New Business

Creation of Education and Tours/Trips Subcommittee

Open Floor


Open Floor
