LSS/LMAG August Meeting: Use of Telco Signaling Network Data for Emergency Services and More

#Telco #signaling; #Emergency #telecommunications

Monthly meeting of the Lone Star Section / Life Members Affinity Group meet on the third Thursday of most months at the La Fonda Restaurant, 8633 Crownhill Blvd, in San Antonio. Lunch costs $10.00. (We pay the balance and tip.)

This month, we are honored to hear from Mr. Leo A. Wrobel, who will be telling us of his pioneering work in emergency telecommunications. About 30 years ago, phone companies were deploying Signaling System 7 (SS-7) to set up calls faster and manage their networks more efficiently. In spite of other advanced technologies, especially on the Internet, SS7 has been static - until now.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 18 Aug 2022
  • Time: 04:30 PM UTC to 06:30 PM UTC
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • La Fonda Alamo Heights
  • 8633 Crownhill Blvd
  • San Antonio , Texas
  • United States 78217

  • Contact Event Hosts
  • Co-sponsored by IEEE LSS Life Members Affinity Group
  • Starts 04 August 2022 05:33 PM UTC
  • Ends 17 August 2022 04:33 PM UTC
  • No Admission Charge


Leo Wrobel of Leo A. Wrobel


Use of Telco Signaling Network Data for Emergency Services - and More

Leo A. Wrobel is the inventor of TeleSentient (tm) (US patent 10,812,663) His invention combines Signaling System 7 (SS7) and other signaling network data with outside sources to provide greater visibility to emergency service providers. Blocked 911 calls and other bottlenecks occur for many reasons, ranging from severe weather events to technical failures, to simply dozens of people calling at once because they saw the same freeway accident. With TeleSentient, real time calling patterns of people in trouble are available to 911 centers and other emergency responders.

As one example, picture a National Weather Service radar map showing the "hook signature" of a severe thunderstorm and possible tornado. Now picture the same NWS map with red dots indicating the name and location pf each person calling 911, right at this moment - inluding the callers who are not getting through.This is only one of many applications to be discussed in this lively and informative presentation.


For 36 years Leo A. Wrobel's talent for exploiting changes in technology, law, risk management and regulation have earned him broad acclaim. In 1986 he built the first Compute Disaster Recovery Center inside a telephone office. In 1987 he was the first in Dallas, Texas, to run telephone traffic over the cable vision system. In 1997 Leo founded a CLEC that became the first one certified in all 50 U.S. states, and signed a number of marquee customers in the Airline, Financial Services, Education and Government Markets.

Mr. Wrobel is the author of 12 books and over 1600 trade articles, including The MIS and LAN Managers Guide to Advanced Telecommunications. (IEEE Computer Society Press). He has been a guest speaker in most of the 50 states and overseas. Since re-enntering private practice in 2004, Leo has provided management consulting, business continuity and expert witness services to over 100 clients. The Leo A.Wrobel companies includeTelLawCom Labs, Inc., Fail-Safe Commuinications, INc and NaSPA, a not-for-profit advocacy for network and systems professionals, founded in 1986.


Address:100 Ovila Oaks, Suite 200, Ovila, Texas, United States, 75154



11:30-12:00 Chapter business meeting: Minutes of last meeting, Treasurer's Report, Committee Reports, New Business

12:00-12:30 Lunch

12:30 -1:30 Presentation



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