NH ExCom Meeting
Virtual ExCom for August
Date and Time
- Date: 11 Aug 2022
- Time: 11:00 PM UTC to 01:00 AM UTC
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1. Attendance
Quorum check -- David Casper
2. approval of agenda including consent agenda [Note, Approval for May though July minutes is appropriate]
Consent to approval of outstanding minutes (in the appropriate month's ExCom directory area)
Consent to approval of outstanding treasurer reports (Just July needed)
3. Chairs Comments
4. Action Item Report
5. Chapter/Affiliate Group Activity & coordination
(ideally about 60 days in advance)
6. Standing Committee Activities:
Education/pre-college; --- Brian Betts, Wicked STEM event
Student/College chapters
7 Old Business
Actoin on R1 offer to support fall YP/student engagement activity --Barbara
8 New Business
9 Next Meeting -- Sept. 8 or 13 (Thursday/Tuesday) (virtual/In Person)
10. For the good of the order --
What key messages for our Members
11 Adjourn to forum
12 Forum topics (upcoming events, etc)