Weekly "Inverted Conference" Seminar in Remote Sensing & Communication

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An Extroverted Team Approach to Graduate from AFIT with a World Class Publishable Thesis! 

Open forum for all, but especially for students.

This Friday 3 pm is open to students (primarily Air Force Institute of Technology, but all invited) presenting a 15 min (or so) talk on what interests them.  Open to any & all students, so pass the word.  This is a good place for young folks to teach something new to old folks who still like to learn, & / or forgot what it was like to be young.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 19 Aug 2022
  • Time: 03:00 PM to 04:00 PM
  • All times are (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
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  • Contact Event Hosts
  • timothy.wolfe@afit.edu


  • Co-sponsored by Wright-Patt Multi-Intelligence Development Consortium (WPMDC), The DOD & DOE Communities


Student updates on their projects, and new student Anthony Tolbert will share as much as he can on his using old classes content (from lecture notes, audio, & YouTube) to create a textbook.  Only the young can do this. So, old timers, come & lend some advice & feedback.

Please pass the word & invite others.


FEEDBACK please:  if you have any ideas for a better day, time, place, forum for this exchange, please let me know.