Cargo Sous Terrain: solving the energy supply of the Digital Logistics Systems

#SmartCities #energy #systems #power #swiss #logistics #transports

The digital complete logistics system, Cargo sous terrain (CST), will connect Switzerland’s key hubs from 2031 on.
CST takes the strain off the road and railway networks, reduces environmental impact and ensures the prompt delivery of goods for everyone.
Yet, how to guarantee its energy supply over the years?
We will recap the scope of the logistics project, present its state of development as well as the models we developped to hedge energy scarcity and pricing risks.  

No registration required, open to anyone

  Date and Time




  • Date: 26 Sep 2022
  • Time: 06:30 PM to 07:30 PM
  • All times are (UTC+02:00) Bern
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • EPFL, Switzerland
  • Switzerland 1015
  • Building: MED Building
  • Room Number: Adrien Palaz Auditorium
  • Click here for Map

  • Contact Event Hosts
  • Co-sponsored by IEEE Switzerland Life Members Affinity Group


Mr. Gabriele Guidicelli


Gabriele Guidicelli is an Industrial Engineer and has been working since November 2017 as project manager technics with Cargo sous terrain Ltd. Before starting as project manager technics he worked for several companies in various function as a project manager and as a leader in various middle and upper management levels. He has gained experience in automation and digitalization both nationally and internationally in various technical fields of mechanical, plant and system engineering. Today he deals specifically with digital supply chain.

Gabriele has a bachelor in industrial engineering from the University of Applied Sciences in Distance Learning of Switzerland (FFHS) and an executive Master of Business Administration Management from the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI). He is also a lecturer in logistics management and innovation management at the University of Applied Sciences in Distance Learning of Switzerland (FFHS). Gabriele lives with his wife and their two daughters near Bern.

Mrs. Anne-Claire Pliska


Anne-Claire Pliska joined BG’s management in October 2020 as Director of Strategic Planning and Innovation, after an 18-month term on the Holding’s Board of Directors. She is also in charge of Communications. After starting her career in the Telecom sector, she managed a company in the Energy sector and an open innovation ecosystem in the Mobility sector. Versatile and entrepreneurial, she created a fintech start-up which she sold after 5 years of activity. Passionate about creating new products and services, she contributes to increasing the group’s innovation capacity.

In addition to her activities at BG, Anne-Claire Pliska is a member of the board of directors of openmobility and of the OFT sounding board on multimodality issues. She is also a member of the board of the smartcity alliance and of the guarantee committee of the FOEN technology fund.

Franco-Swiss and trilingual, she is a SupOptique engineer and has a PhD in optoelectronics. She also holds an MAS in business management and a CAS in economic law.


18:30 – Welcome and presentation of the IEEE Student Branch at EPFL – Kenneth Joseph Paul

18:35 – Introduction of the presenters – Michel Bron

18:40 – Cargo Sous Terrain, Digital Logistics Systems – Mr. Gabriele Guidicelli

18:50 – Cargo Sous Terrain, Energy supply – Mrs. Anne-Claire Pliska

19:05 – Questions and Answers

19:15 – Drinks and food at Sushi Zen