IEEE Member Day at Antique Wireless Museum, Bloomfield, NY
IEEE Member Day at the Antique Wireless Museum
Staturday November 12, 2022 from 1PM to 5PM
On November 12, 2022, the IEEE Region 1 Western Area and the Antique Wireless Museum in Bloomfield NY, 14469 Will be hosting IEEE member day. IEEE members and their families are welcome to visit and tour the Antique Wireless Museum in Bloomfield NY, 14469. Besides being able to visit and touring the Museum there will be an area set aside where IEEE member can gather and visit with each other. Since this is sponsored by the IEEE Region1 Western Area this is an opportunity to meet IEEE members from other sections.
The Museum opens at 1PM and closes at 5PM. You are invited to come visit during this time. It is suggested that you arrive by 3PM to give enough time for the guided tour.
The Antique Wireless Museum, with its world-class collection of artifacts and ephemera and Museum Historians, offers a visitor the opportunity to drop back in time to explore and discover the history of the technologies we use today in our everyday life. Think about how the ability to communicate instantly around the world has become an important and vital given in our lives. Your visit to the Museum will demonstrate just how far we have come in communications.
The Museum’s several areas includes a reproduction of the Titanic Wireless (Radio) Room, electronics communications displays, an Old Time Store of early radios and parts, an operating telegraph office, the Voice of America control room and 250,000 watt transmitter from the Delano, CA VOA Station and shelves of artifacts of historic transmitters and receivers.
Besides the existing exhbits, IEEE members will get a look at the Museum's new HAM Shack which is in the prcess of being fitted out with Ham radios from several decades.
IEEE Member: $0
Non-IEEE Member: $7
19 years and under: $0
Date and Time
- Date: 12 Nov 2022
- Time: 06:00 PM UTC to 09:00 PM UTC
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- Contact Event Hosts
IEEE R1 Western Area Chair
- Starts 05 October 2022 12:00 PM UTC
- Ends 12 November 2022 05:00 PM UTC
- Admission fee ?