IEEE Ottawa Section 78th Annual General Meeting and the Awards Ceremony - Officier's Link
We are pleased to welcome you to the 78th Annual General Meeting (AGM) and the Awards Ceremony of the IEEE Ottawa Section.
The AGM is an annual forum is only for the Members of the IEEE Ottawa Section to attend to learn about the Section activities in this year and what is the plan for the upcoming year. And also, a forum where the IEEE Ottawa Section Nominations and Appointments Committee will propose and present to the members the nominees for the 2023 IEEE Ottawa Officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary).
Time: 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm EST (AGM Business and Election)
Awards Ceremony
The Awards Ceremony is an annual event that provides an opportunity for recognizing and honouring outstanding local industry, individuals from academia and industry, and IEEE groups form the IEEE Ottawa Section. It is also a dinner event, Keynote presentation, and sharing ideas with academia and industry leaders.
This event sells out every year and attracts 150+ members and leaders from academia, industry, and government. In addition to a great agenda, there will be plenty of time allotted for socializing, networking and enjoying a night of entertainment.
It is open for IEEE members, guests, and public (regsitration is needed).
Time: 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm EST ( Arrival, Registration, Networking)
6:30 pm - 10:00 pm EST (Opening, Dinner, Keynote, Awards Ceremony, Entertainment, Networking). Detailed program, see Agenda below.
Registration Fee
Discounted Rates only for IEEE Ottawa Section Volunteers:
IEEE Ottawa Section Volunteer: $30
IEEE Ottawa Section Volunteer's Guest: $40
Registration ends at the 10AM 14th October 2022 18th October 2022 20th October 2022.
A three course dinner will be served with two complimentary drink tickets (includes alcoholic and non-alcoholic).
Carrot and Fennel: Roasted Carrot and Fennel Soup with Älska Farm Maple Soy Glazed Mushrooms and Cashew Cream (Vegetarian, Vegan and Gluten Free)
Main Course Menu Options:
Slow Cooked Blue Mountain Short Rib: Ontario Short Rib with Market Vegetables, Smashed Red Potato, Sour Cream (Gluten free)
- Mushroom Nadeau Farm Chicken Supreme: With Mushroom Crust and Charlevoix 1608 Cheese, Market Vegetables, Creamy Mashed Potatoes and Pan Jus (Gluten Free)
- White Bean Truffle Cassoulet : White Bean Cassoulet with Eggplant and Lentils Meatless Meatballs (Vegetarian, Vegan and Gluten Free)
Banana Cake and Dark Chocolate Ganache: Banana Cake and Dark Chocolate Ganache, Banana Rum Compote and Caramel Sauce (Vegetarian, Vegan, Dairy Free, and Gluten Free)
All prices include HST. HST (# 86168 0296 RT0001).
Parking is not provided. Please use Shaw Center parking (at an extra cost usually 20CAD) or nearby city parking services such as Ottawa City Hall (110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, ON K1R 6K9) (usually 2CAD).
On-spot registration is available for limited capacity at a higher registration cost.
Date and Time
- Date: 21 Oct 2022
- Time: 05:30 PM to 10:15 PM
- All times are (GMT-05:00) America/Toronto
Add Event to Calendar
- 55 Colonel By Drive
- Ottawa, Ontario
- Canada K1N 9J2
- Room Number: Trillium Ballroom
- Click here for Map
- Contact Event Host
Amir Andaliby
Ankita Dey
- Starts 06 October 2022 12:01 AM
- Ends 19 October 2022 10:00 AM
- All times are (GMT-05:00) America/Toronto
- Admission fee ?
- Menu: Slow Cooked Blue Mountain Short Rib, Mushroom Nadeau Farm Chicken Supreme, White Bean Truffle Cassoulet
Stephen Welby, Executive Director and COO of IEEE
My Engineering Journey
--- To be provided
Stephen Welby is the Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community to innovate for a better tomorrow with more than 400,000 members in over 160 countries, and through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities. IEEE is the trusted “voice” for engineering, computing, and technology information around the globe.
Prior to joining IEEE, in 2015 Stephen was nominated by President Obama and confirmed by the US Senate as the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. In this role, he served as the chief technology officer for the U.S. Department of Defense, leading one of the largest and most complex research, development, and engineering organizations in the world. He oversaw a $12.5B annual investment portfolio, managed internal and collaborative research and engineering efforts, drove a culture that valued innovation, and supported the department’s global technical engagement.
Stephen has more than three decades of government and industrial experience in technology and product development, including senior leadership positions at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). His technical experience includes development of leading edge aeronautical and space systems, robotics, machine learning, high-performance software, and sensor systems.
Stephen holds a bachelor of science degree in chemical engineering from The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, a master’s degree in business administration from the Texas A&M University, and master’s degrees in computer science and applied mathematics from The Johns Hopkins University. He is a fellow of the IEEE.
Address:Bethesda, Maryland, United States
5:30 PM Arrival, Registration, Networking
6:00 PM AGM Business (IEEE Ottawa Section members only)
6:30 PM AGM Awards Banquet
7:15 PM Keynote
8:00 PM Awards Ceremony
9:00 PM post-AGM Social and Networking
10:00 PM Closing