On-line URL info will be emailed 20hrs before meeting.
When you eventually retire, do you want to age independently in your own home and neighborhood? Staying home and aging in place is most people's preference, but most American housing and communities are not adapted to the needs of older people. And with the fastest population growth among people over 65, finding solutions for successful aging is important, not just for individual families, but for our whole society. This talk covers a wide range of smart solutions, including adapting technology, remodeling current housing, building new homes for accessibility and safety, retrofitting existing neighborhoods to add needed services and amenities, and planning new communities that work well for people of all ages.
Date and Time
- Date: 17 Nov 2022
- Time: 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM
- All times are (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Add Event to Calendar
- Starts 26 October 2022 01:00 AM
- Ends 15 November 2022 11:00 PM
- All times are (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
- No Admission Charge
Wayne Caswell of Modern Health Talk
INDEPENDENT FOR LIFE — Homes and Neighborhoods for an Aging America
When you eventually retire, do you want to age independently in your own home and neighborhood? Staying home and aging in place is most people's preference, but most American housing and communities are not adapted to the needs of older people. And with the fastest population growth among people over 65, finding solutions for successful aging is important, not just for individual families, but for our whole society. This talk covers a wide range of smart solutions, including adapting technology, remodeling current housing, building new homes for accessibility and safety, retrofitting existing neighborhoods to add needed services and amenities, and planning new communities that work well for people of all ages.
Wayne Caswell is a retired IBM technologist, futurist, market strategist, consumer advocate, and founder of Modern Health Talk ( After 30 years at IBM, he established CAZITech Consulting, held leadership roles in industry groups developing Wireless and Home Gateway standards, served on the FCC Consumer Advisory Committee, successfully lobbied the Texas legislature to protect the rights of municipalities to install public Wi-Fi networks, and co-founded a nonprofit homeowner advocacy to enact new consumer protection laws and abolish an abusive state agency. After that is when he founded Modern Health Talk to add perspective to the issues of independent living and health care policy.
Address:Fulshear, Texas, United States
The Austin Consultants Network Affinity Group (CTCN) meets monthly. Except when meeting jointly with other groups, the CTCN meet on the third thursday each month. Meetings usually begin with informal networking from 6:00 to 6:10 p.m., followed by presentations from 6:15 to 7:30 p.m. by experts in topics of interest to IEEE Members. Our meetings are open to the public.