IEEE International Conference (#54229) Trends In Quantum Computing and Emerging Business Technologies 22

#Emerging #Business #Technologies # #Quantum #Computing #AI

International Conference on Trends In Quantum Computing and Emerging Business Technologies   was held  from 13-14 and 15 October, 2022. Quantum computing is gaining popularity and generating interest in the world of computing, and business alike. This computing paradigm is opening up new frontiers in computing, communications, cybersecurity, and business applications. Players such as Google, Microsoft, D-wave, Aliro Quantum, and Cambridge Quantum computing, to name a few, are working on different aspects of Quantum Computing. The Government of India, in its annual budget of 2020, allocated Rs. 8000 Cr for five years, to the National Mission on Quantum Technologies and  Applications (NM-QTA) which would be implemented by the Department of Science & Technology (DST). During this conference we explored the synergy between quantum computing and the evolving world of business. The conference served as a common platform to bring together eminent thought leaders, researchers, enthusiasts, academics, corporates, professionals, and students interested in this emerging computing paradigm and explore the exciting world of quantum computing. Some renowned national and international speakers from the domain were present for this conference.

  Date and Time




  • Start time: 13 Oct 2022 05:01 PM UTC
  • End time: 15 Oct 2022 05:01 PM UTC
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • Lavasa
  • MBA Department
  • Lavasa, Maharashtra
  • India 41211

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  • Survey: Fill out the survey
  • Starts 01 September 2022 05:01 PM UTC
  • Ends 13 October 2022 05:01 PM UTC
  • No Admission Charge


Dr. Vijay Bhatkar


Trends In Quantum Computing and Emerging Business technologies


Day 1: On first Day workshop on  various topic mentioned below were organized


  1. Introduction to Quantum Computing : Ms. Aditi Vidiya and team discussed the basics of Quantum computing its broad applications.
  2. Quantum Machine Learning : This workshop was conducted online by a set of speakers Justyna Zawalska, Oskar Słowik ,Jacob Cybulski and Pawel Gora from Qworld where the participants learnt about the various applications and use cases of Quantum Machin Learning in various domains.
  3. Introduction to Metaverse : Mr.Abhilash Chatterjee form IEEE Mumbai and a Fintech expert , spoke about the exiting world of metaverse and its different applications in BFSI domain.
  4. Digital Accessibility for specially abled people : Mr. Dhananjay Bhole an accessibility expert and consultant, introduced the concept of digital accessibility. He highlighted the importance of understanding the principals and guidelines of digital accessibility  in various sectors  for all the professionals.
  5. MathWorks for Beginners : Koustubh Shirke conducted an awareness workshop on MathWorks and MathLabs  for business management professionals

Day 2: The conference was inaugurated with the key note of distinguished speakers like  Padma Bhushan and Padma Shri Dr. Vijay Bhatkar,  architect of India’s first super computer. He is also a Life Fellow of IEEE. Mr. Girish Khillari, Chair of IEEE Pune and  Dr Balakrishnan member of IEEE. Post Inauguration there was a panel discussion on the topic ‘Journey of Quantum Physics to Quantum Computing’. The idea of this discussion was to look at the way quantum physics and quantum mechanics combined with computer science evolved to become the discipline called computing as we know of today. Panel members for this discussion were some of  leading academicians and scientists  of the country.  This was followed by research paper presentation on various topic like Quantum computing and its applications, AI,ML,DL etc..  48 research papers were presented across 8 tracks during this conference.

Day 3:  On third  day of the conference   a work shop on ‘Quantum computing and Fintech’ conducted by Mr.Kartik Swaminathan, an Fintech expert. In this workshop he highlighted the points of synergy  between the two disciplines. Post this there was a Panel discussion  on the topic ‘ Race to Quantum Supremacy ‘. We had some leading experts from industry who expressed their views about the global landscape of Quantum Computing domain and India’s position in this landscape. The panel also discussed a possible road map for India to stay ahead in this race to Quantum supremacy. The conference concluded with  a valedictory and Lunch.