Weekly "Inverted Conference" Seminar in Remote Sensing & Communication: European Incoherent Scatter (EISCAT) radar system

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An Extroverted Team Approach to Graduate from AFIT with a World Class Publishable Thesis! 

Open forum for all, but especially for students.

EISCAT, the European Incoherent SCATter radar system, is a multi-site incoherent scatter radar (ISR) system, originally planned for studies of the auroral ionosphere and located in the auroral zone in northern Finland, Norway and Sweden.  Thanks to its ability to provide spatially and temporally resolved measurements of plasma parameters (plasma density, ion and electron temperatures, ion mass and bulk velocities) throughout the ionosphere, from the D layer to the topside ionosphere, incoherent scatter is a powerful ground-based tool for ionosphere and upper atmosphere studies.  Major attention is paid to the ionospheric heating facility, “Heating,” next to the Tromsø, Norway, EISCAT facility to study the auroral region and provide new discoveries in plasma physics and ionospheric and atmospheric science to this day.  Heating will continue operating along with the new generation of incoherent scatter radar, called EISCAT-3D, when it is commissioned in the near future.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 04 Nov 2022
  • Time: 03:00 PM to 04:00 PM
  • All times are (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
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  • Contact Event Hosts
  • timothy.wolfe@afit.edu


  • Co-sponsored by Wright-Patt Multi-Intelligence Development Consortium (WPMDC), The DOD & DOE Communities


Ray Wasky of JHUAPL (ret)


European Incoherent Scatter (EISCAT) radar system

EISCAT, the European Incoherent SCATter radar system, is a multi-site incoherent scatter radar (ISR) system, originally planned for studies of the auroral ionosphere and located in the auroral zone in northern Finland, Norway and Sweden.  Thanks to its ability to provide spatially and temporally resolved measurements of plasma parameters (plasma density, ion and electron temperatures, ion mass and bulk velocities) throughout the ionosphere, from the D layer to the topside ionosphere, incoherent scatter is a powerful ground-based tool for ionosphere and upper atmosphere studies.  Major attention is paid to the ionospheric heating facility, “Heating,” next to the Tromsø, Norway, EISCAT facility to study the auroral region and provide new discoveries in plasma physics and ionospheric and atmospheric science to this day.  Heating will continue operating along with the new generation of incoherent scatter radar, called EISCAT-3D, when it is commissioned in the near future.


Formerly with the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, various DoD contractors, Air Force Avionics Lab at WPAFB, and active duty with the US Army Missile Command.  Extensive experience in electromagnetic propagation phenomenology, propagation modeling, radar systems engineering, space weather effects, and meteorological instrumentation.  Wide-ranging field experience in radar and infrared/laser signature and propagation measurements, SAR calibration, and EO/IR missile seeker testing.  Bachelors in E.E., Cleveland State University; M.S.E.E., University of Dayton; Post-graduate studies in E.E., The Ohio State University. Member U.S. National Committee for the International Union for Radio Science, Commission F; Life Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers; Associate Editor, IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine.



EISCAT, the European Incoherent SCATter radar system, is a multi-site incoherent scatter radar (ISR) system, originally planned for studies of the auroral ionosphere and located in the auroral zone in northern Finland, Norway and Sweden.  Thanks to its ability to provide spatially and temporally resolved measurements of plasma parameters (plasma density, ion and electron temperatures, ion mass and bulk velocities) throughout the ionosphere, from the D layer to the topside ionosphere, incoherent scatter is a powerful ground-based tool for ionosphere and upper atmosphere studies.  Major attention is paid to the ionospheric heating facility, “Heating,” next to the Tromsø, Norway, EISCAT facility to study the auroral region and provide new discoveries in plasma physics and ionospheric and atmospheric science to this day.  Heating will continue operating along with the new generation of incoherent scatter radar, called EISCAT-3D, when it is commissioned in the near future.

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FEEDBACK please:  if you have any ideas for a better day, time, place, forum for this exchange, please let me know.