Energy-efficient Radio Resource Management in Future Networks
ISCTE-IUL, Av. das Forças Armadas, Lisboa, Sala C202
You are invited to participate in this joint event of IEEE ComSoc, IMS and VTS Chapters on Energy-efficient Radio Resource Management in Future Networks:
First talk: Traffic and energy load balancing in cooperative dual-powered green cellular networks
Second Talk: Energy- and Spectral-Efficient Resource Allocation Algorithm for Heterogeneous Networks
Date and Time
- Date: 30 Nov 2022
- Time: 02:00 PM to 04:30 PM
- All times are (UTC+00:00) Lisbon
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- ISCTE-IUL, Av. das Forças Armadas
- Lisboa, Lisboa
- Portugal 1649-026
- Building: Edifício II
- Room Number: C202
- Click here for Map
- Contact Event Hosts
Luís Bernardo,
Daniel Corujo,
- Co-sponsored by Instituto de Telecomunicações
Swades De of Indian Insitute of Technology Delhi
Traffic and energy load balancing in cooperative dual-powered green cellular networks
Power consumption in cellular wireless communication base stations is a significant cost factor for the service providers. Further, it significantly adds to the global carbon footprint. To this end, ambient-powered wireless base stations are being explored. In this presentation, we will present the case of networked cellular base stations that are equipped with solar/ambient energy harvesting capability as well as they are connected to the power grid for their uninterrupted operation. Since the ambient energy availability as well as cell traffic are stochastic processes, we demonstrate the need for inter-base station cooperation for dealing with this doubly-stochastic processes at potentially reduced grid power consumption cost. Under such inter-base station cooperative scenario, we investigate the energy harvesting and storage capacity and operation optimization strategies for operator revenue maximization and/or green cellular operation.
Beyond the CAPEX optimization, implementation of the proposed strategies require only software intervention at the Radio Network Controller or Remote Radio Units.
Dr. Swades De is a full professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering and an Institute Chair Professor at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. Dr. De's research interests are broadly in communication networks, with emphasis on performance modeling and analysis. Current directions include energy harvesting communication networks, broadband wireless access and routing, network coexistence, smart grid networks, and smart IoT. To date, he has published over 230 articles in top journals and well-known conferences, a few book chapters, an edited book, 1 US/EU/WO patent, and filed 9 Indian patents and 6 US/EU/World patents.
Prof. De currently serves as an Area Editor for IEEE Communications Letters, Area Editor for Elsevier Computer Communication, Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, and IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine. Prof.
De is a Fellow of Indian National Academy of Engineering, Fellow of National Academy of Sciences, India, Fellow of The Institute of Engineers, India, and Fellow of IET, UK.
Address:Indian Insitute of Technology Delhi, , New Delhi, India, 110016
Ender Ayanoglu of University of California Irvine
Energy- and Spectral-Efficient Resource Allocation Algorithm for Heterogeneous Networks
In this talk, the tradeoff between energy efficiency and spectral
efficiency in multicell heterogeneous networks is investigated. Our
objective is to maximize both energy efficiency and spectral
efficiency of the network, while satisfying the minimum rate
requirements of the users. We define our objective function as the
weighted summation of energy efficiency and spectral efficiency
functions. The fractional frequency reuse (FFR) scheme is employed to
suppress intercell interference. We formulate the problem as
cell-center boundary selection for FFR, frequency assignment to users,
and power allocation. The optimal solution of this problem requires
exhaustive search over all cell-center radii, frequency assignments,
and power levels. We propose a three-stage algorithm and apply it
consecutively until convergence. First, we select the cell-center
radius for the FFR method. Second, we assign the frequency resources
to users to satisfy their rate requirements and also maximize the
objective function. Third, we solve the power allocation subproblem by
using the Levenberg-Marquardt method. Minimum rate requirements of
users are also included in the solution by using dual decomposition
techniques. Our numerical results show a Pareto-optimal solution for
energy efficiency and spectral efficiency. We present energy
efficiency, spectral efficiency, outage probability, and average
transmit power results for different minimum rate constraints. Among
other results, we show that, in a particular setting, 13% energy
efficiency increase can be obtained in a multicell heterogeneous
wireless network by sacrificing 7% spectral efficiency.
Ender Ayanoglu received the Ph.D. degree from Stanford University,
Stanford, CA in 1986, in electrical engineering. He was with the
Communications Systems Research Laboratory, part of AT&T Bell
Laboratories, Holmdel, NJ until 1996, and Bell Labs, Lucent
Technologies until 1999. From 1999 until 2002, he was a Systems
Architect at Cisco Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA. Since 2002, he has
been a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA, where
he served as the Director of the Center for Pervasive Communications
and Computing and held the Conexant-Broadcom Endowed Chair during
2002-2010. His past accomplishments include invention of the 56K
modems, characterization of wavelength conversion gain in Wavelength
Division Multiplexed (WDM) systems, and diversity coding, a technique
for link failure recovery in communication networks employing erasure
coding introduced in 1990, prior to the publication of the first
papers on network coding. During 2000-2001, he served as the founding
chair of the IEEE-ISTO Broadband Wireless Internet Forum (BWIF), an
industry standards organization which developed and built a broadband
wireless system employing Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
(OFDM) and a Medium Access Control (MAC) algorithm that provides
Quality-of-Service (QoS) guarantees. This system is the precursor of
today’s Fourth and Fifth Generation (4G and 5G) cellular wireless
systems. From 1993 until 2014, Dr. Ayanoglu was an Editor, and since
January 2014 is a Senior Editor of the IEEE Transactions on
Communications. He served as the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE
Transactions on Communications from 2004 to 2008. From January 2015
until December 2016 he served as the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE
Journal on Selected Areas in Communications - Series on Green
Communications and Networking. This series published three special
issues with record number of papers. He led the efforts to start the
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking and served as
its Founding Editor-in-Chief from August 2016 to August 2020. From
1990 to 2002, he served on the Executive Committee of the IEEE
Communications Society Communication Theory Committee, and from 1999
to 2002, was its Chair. Dr. Ayanoglu is the recipient of the IEEE
Communications Society Stephen O. Rice Prize Paper Award in 1995, the
IEEE Communications Society Best Tutorial Paper Award in 1997, and the
IEEE Communications Society Communication Theory Technical Committee
Outstanding Service Award in 2014. He has been an IEEE Fellow since
Address:Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, California, United States, 92697-2625
2:00 pm Prof. Swades De, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, "Traffic and energy load balancing in cooperative dual-powered green cellular networks"
3:10 pm coffee-break
3:30pm Prof. Ender Ayanoglu, University of California Irvine, "Energy- and Spectral-Efficient Resource Allocation Algorithm for Heterogeneous Networks"
The event is co-sponsored by Instituto de Telecomunicações