Weekly "Inverted Conference" Seminar in Remote Sensing & Communication: WOS, WOW, and VSP Programs – Strengthening Connections between Basic Research and Applied Research

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An Extroverted Team Approach to Graduate from AFIT with a World Class Publishable Thesis! 

Open forum for all, but especially for students.

AFOSR/ION, Arlington, VA, is the North American arm of AFOSR’s International Office (IO).  AFOSR/IO offers several personnel exchange programs to connect USAF Scientists and Engineers (S&Es) to counterpart, non-government researchers.  As program manager and coordinator for three ION programs, I will summarize scope and requirements on the three Programs.

“Windows on Science,” or WOS, is the most familiar program to AF S&Es and the most popular amongst them.  WOS is a tool to provide direct contact between S&Es and distinguished foreign national researchers by providing travel support to that counterpart talent.  The WOS program facilitates hundreds of technical exchanges.  WOS PIs have been from both renowned and less known academic and other non-governmental institutes.  WOS has consistently targeted subject matter expertise, tailored visits to meet core mission needs, informed stakeholders, augmented inhouse research, and leveraged foreign talent to benefit DAF in 6.1, 6.2 and beyond.


Next is the “Window On World” or WOW Program:  WOW has been the program of choice to provide unique international opportunities for outstanding USAF S&Es to conduct full-time research alongside prominent foreign researchers, OCONUS, at non-governmental institutes.  Unsurpassed as a workforce development tool, WOW projects often include use of experimental laboratory facilities unavailable at the S&E’s home organization.  WOW is used to transition skills and knowledge from foreign sites to the inhouse efforts at home organizations while creating and deepening relationships between USAF S&Es and international counterparts which endure beyond the in situ tenure of the WOW project and visit itself.  Each year WOW yields work of national significance.  WOW projects can range from 21 days to no more than 179 days.  AFOSR pays all TDY costs, while the AF S&E’s home organization continues to pay all other costs.  Upon completion of the TDY the AF S&E returns to her/his home organization.


In addition to WOW, ION offers the “Visiting Scientist Program (VSP).”  WOW and VSP mirror each other in description, scope, and requirements.  Where WOW is OCONUS, VSP is CONUS.  VSP provides opportunities for outstanding Air Force scientists and engineers (AF S&Es) to conduct full-time research at a CONUS non-government laboratory or institute.  Like WOW, the duration of a VSP visit ranges from no less than 21 days to no more than 179 days.  AFOSR pays all TDY costs, while the AF S&E’s home organization continues to pay all other costs.  Upon completion of the TDY the AF S&E returns to her/his home organization.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 18 Nov 2022
  • Time: 03:00 PM to 03:17 PM
  • All times are (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
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  • Contact Event Hosts
  • timothy.wolfe@afit.edu


  • Co-sponsored by Wright-Patt Multi-Intelligence Development Consortium (WPMDC), The DOD & DOE Communities


Joanne Maurice of JHUAPL (ret)


WOS, WOW, and VSP Programs – Strengthening Connections between Basic Research and Applied Research

AFOSR/ION, Arlington, VA, is the North American arm of AFOSR’s International Office (IO).  AFOSR/IO offers several personnel exchange programs to connect USAF Scientists and Engineers (S&Es) to counterpart, non-government researchers.  As program manager and coordinator for three ION programs, I will summarize scope and requirements on the three Programs.

“Windows on Science,” or WOS, is the most familiar program to AF S&Es and the most popular amongst them.  WOS is a tool to provide direct contact between S&Es and distinguished foreign national researchers by providing travel support to that counterpart talent.  The WOS program facilitates hundreds of technical exchanges.  WOS PIs have been from both renowned and less known academic and other non-governmental institutes.  WOS has consistently targeted subject matter expertise, tailored visits to meet core mission needs, informed stakeholders, augmented inhouse research, and leveraged foreign talent to benefit DAF in 6.1, 6.2 and beyond.

Next is the “Window On World” or WOW Program:  WOW has been the program of choice to provide unique international opportunities for outstanding USAF S&Es to conduct full-time research alongside prominent foreign researchers, OCONUS, at non-governmental institutes.  Unsurpassed as a workforce development tool, WOW projects often include use of experimental laboratory facilities unavailable at the S&E’s home organization.  WOW is used to transition skills and knowledge from foreign sites to the inhouse efforts at home organizations while creating and deepening relationships between USAF S&Es and international counterparts which endure beyond the in situ tenure of the WOW project and visit itself.  Each year WOW yields work of national significance.  WOW projects can range from 21 days to no more than 179 days.  AFOSR pays all TDY costs, while the AF S&E’s home organization continues to pay all other costs.  Upon completion of the TDY the AF S&E returns to her/his home organization.


In addition to WOW, ION offers the “Visiting Scientist Program (VSP).”  WOW and VSP mirror each other in description, scope, and requirements.  Where WOW is OCONUS, VSP is CONUS.  VSP provides opportunities for outstanding Air Force scientists and engineers (AF S&Es) to conduct full-time research at a CONUS non-government laboratory or institute.  Like WOW, the duration of a VSP visit ranges from no less than 21 days to no more than 179 days.  AFOSR pays all TDY costs, while the AF S&E’s home organization continues to pay all other costs.  Upon completion of the TDY the AF S&E returns to her/his home organization.


Joanne Maurice is an AFRL Interdisciplinary Physicist currently serving as Program Officer for the International Office of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, AFOSR/ION (North American Office).  Ms. Maurice manages 3 ION personnel exchange programs:  Windows On Science (WOS), Window On World (WOW), and Visiting Scientist Program (VSP).  She additionally serves as a general International Program Officer (IPO) for North America and is the AFRL point of contact (POC) for the Embassy Fellows Program, administered by the US State Department.  Her background studies are Physics, Applied Mathematics, Electrical Engineering, and Solid-state Semiconductors; past duties include Assistant Chief Scientist (AFRL Sensors Directorate, 2007-2015, and AFOSR, 2015-2018.  She was stationed at AFOSR/AOARD, Tokyo, 1997-2003, worked as a Technology Analyst at a private firm in Tokyo, 2003-2006, and was an inhouse researcher at the Photonics Center Rome NY, 1988-1996..



AFOSR/ION, Arlington, VA, is the North American arm of AFOSR’s International Office (IO).  AFOSR/IO offers several personnel exchange programs to connect USAF Scientists and Engineers (S&Es) to counterpart, non-government researchers.  As program manager and coordinator for three ION programs, I will summarize scope and requirements on the three Programs.

“Windows on Science,” or WOS, is the most familiar program to AF S&Es and the most popular amongst them.  WOS is a tool to provide direct contact between S&Es and distinguished foreign national researchers by providing travel support to that counterpart talent.  The WOS program facilitates hundreds of technical exchanges.  WOS PIs have been from both renowned and less known academic and other non-governmental institutes.  WOS has consistently targeted subject matter expertise, tailored visits to meet core mission needs, informed stakeholders, augmented inhouse research, and leveraged foreign talent to benefit DAF in 6.1, 6.2 and beyond.


Next is the “Window On World” or WOW Program:  WOW has been the program of choice to provide unique international opportunities for outstanding USAF S&Es to conduct full-time research alongside prominent foreign researchers, OCONUS, at non-governmental institutes.  Unsurpassed as a workforce development tool, WOW projects often include use of experimental laboratory facilities unavailable at the S&E’s home organization.  WOW is used to transition skills and knowledge from foreign sites to the inhouse efforts at home organizations while creating and deepening relationships between USAF S&Es and international counterparts which endure beyond the in situ tenure of the WOW project and visit itself.  Each year WOW yields work of national significance.  WOW projects can range from 21 days to no more than 179 days.  AFOSR pays all TDY costs, while the AF S&E’s home organization continues to pay all other costs.  Upon completion of the TDY the AF S&E returns to her/his home organization.

In addition to WOW, ION offers the “Visiting Scientist Program (VSP).”  WOW and VSP mirror each other in description, scope, and requirements.  Where WOW is OCONUS, VSP is CONUS.  VSP provides opportunities for outstanding Air Force scientists and engineers (AF S&Es) to conduct full-time research at a CONUS non-government laboratory or institute.  Like WOW, the duration of a VSP visit ranges from no less than 21 days to no more than 179 days.  AFOSR pays all TDY costs, while the AF S&E’s home organization continues to pay all other costs.  Upon completion of the TDY the AF S&E returns to her/his home organization.

Please pass the word & invite others.


FEEDBACK please:  if you have any ideas for a better day, time, place, forum for this exchange, please let me know.