Deep dive into JPP SES project - SuperP2G
SuperP2G interconnects leading P2G initiatives in five countries, ensuring joint learning. Each national project focuses on different challenges, where researchers team up with local need-owners to co-create solutions. In this event, researchers from the SuperP2G consortium will present their solutions about how to lower the threshold for need-owners to validate and put P2G to practice for Smart Energy Systems, Sectorial Integration as well as Local & Regional development.
SuperP2G focuses on improving existing tools including open access, as well as develop a new open tool based on the OptiFlow and H2IndexII tools. This is supplemented with analysis of regulation and markets, as well as stakeholder involvement. The results include a set of tools and procedures to foster implementation of P2G in the planning as well as in operation of P2G in integrated energy systems. These tools, databases and methodology are improved by the insights of the different case studies as well as the cross-insemination.
Target Audience
Energy system researchers, gas and power grid operators, operators of P2G facilities, municipal utilities, regional authorities on energy.
Benefits to Participants
Participants will learn about P2G systems and their
- Technical optimisation and system integration
- Market access and uptake
- Development of solutions for adoption.
Date and Time
- Date: 19 Oct 2022
- Time: 01:45 PM to 02:45 PM
- All times are (UTC+02:00) Copenhagen
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- Co-sponsored by SuperP2G consoritum (as part of EU Joint Programming Conference Smart Energy Systems)
- Starts 03 October 2022 08:59 AM
- Ends 15 October 2022 08:59 PM
- All times are (UTC+02:00) Copenhagen
- No Admission Charge
Prof. Marie Münster of Technical University of Denmark
Introduction - Synergies Utilising renewable Power REgionally by means of Power-To-Gas
An introduction to the actions taken, methodologies applied and tools developed regarding exploring and maximizing synergies between renewable and power-to-gas energy solutions.
Since 2000, Marie Münster has worked within the fields of energy planning and renewable energy technologies. From 2000-2006 she worked as a consultant specializing in energy planning and renewable energy, among other things in connection with the large biogas plant, Måbjerg at Holstebro. From 2006 she has been involved in energy research. Marie Münster has acquired extensive experience within the field of national energy modeling (Balmorel, EnergyPLAN, STREAM) with focus on Waste-to-Energy technologies producing heat, power and transport fuels and on analyses of the role of district heating in future energy systems. Her PhD focused on energy system analyses of Waste-to-Energy technologies and here she contributed to the development of Balmorel and EnergyPLAN with regard to representation of waste.
Marie Münster currently participates in a number of research projects involving energy system analysis. Among these she is the Deputy Project Leader in the research project “TOPWASTE” aiming at improving use of waste for energy and recycling. Marie Münster also participates in different teaching and supervision activities at DTU. Most notably she is a Course Responsible for the Master course "Feasibility Studies and System Assessment of Energy Technologies".
Address:Lyngby, Denmark
Prof. Dr. M. (Machiel) Mulder
H2 transport options and connection to markets as well as the power system
The talk will elaborate on various H2 transport options and their impacts on power and energy systems, taking into account operational flexibility of P2G.
Address:Groningen, Netherlands
13:35 |
Introduction - Synergies Utilising renewable Power REgionally by means of Power-To-Gas by Prof. Marie Münster |
14:00 |
Netherlands – H2 transport options and connection to markets as well as the power system by Prof. Dr. Machiel Mulder |
14:20 |
Summary of learning throughout European P2G cases and next steps by Prof. Marie Münster |
14:30 |
Q&A |