#SDSC #SHAR #industrial #visit

A one-day Industrial Visit to Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)

ISRO is committed to encourage students in creating awareness in the space technology and applications. They are the future hopes for applying technologies for the social and economic upliftment of the country. Several programmes are conceived for students to engage in STEM activities and learning.


  1. The Educational Excursion was organized to help students of E&TC in develop as competent professionals with a sense of responsibility and social sensitivity.
  2. This visit helped in imparting professional education using active learning techniques to transform the students to be competent and committed engineers meeting the demands of present as well as future.

Students gained knowledge about how television signals are broadcast with the help of satellites. Students saw various images of India taken at different angles from the satellites, for the purpose of geographical/weather study. The latest images of the moon obtained from satellites were also exhibited. The different electronic devices used in satellite and space communication were explained.

The ‘clean room’ concept for assembling of satellites was shown to the students. It was a great experience for them. A video depicting the moon mission of ‘Chandraayan’ was also screened. Finally, the scientists answered many questions put forth by the students and cleared many doubts which students had about satellite launching.

  Date and Time




  • Start time: 13 Dec 2022 04:30 PM UTC
  • End time: 14 Dec 2022 10:30 PM UTC
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • sullurpet, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh
  • India

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