Data Science Applications in Systems Engineering

#systems #models #data #decision-making #data-science

תיאור המפגש

בעידן הדיגיטלי, היכולת לנתח נתונים  ולעשות שימוש בנתונים הולכת והופכת מרכזית וחיונית לביצוע משימות הנדסיות וטכנולוגיות, בהן גם משימות הנדסת מערכת, מידול, ארכיטקטורה, תכן, ניתוח המערכת, אינטגרציה, אימות, תיקוף, וקבלת החלטות באופן כללי. מפגש זה מוקדש לסקירה של שיטות מתחום מדעי הנתונים והאנליטיקה, ויישומיהן לתמיכה בתהליכי ובמשימות הנדסת המערכת.


In the digital age, data analytics is becoming a critical capability for performing a variety of engineering and technological tasks, including systems engineering, modeling, architecting, design, analysis, integration, verification & validation, and decision making in general. This event is dedicated to the exploration of data science and analysis methods and techniques to support systems engineering activities.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 25 Jan 2023
  • Time: 11:45 AM UTC to 04:00 PM UTC
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • זבוטינסקי 15
  • הרצליה, Central District
  • Israel
  • Building: בית חיל-האוויר

  • Contact Event Hosts
  • Co-sponsored by Israeli Society for Systems Engineering - INCOSE_IL - האיגוד הישראלי להנדסת מערכות


Prof. Alice squires of INCOSE & Washington State University


Data-driven Decision Analysis for Systems Engineers

Systems engineers are typically called upon to perform systems analyses that drive decision-making across the systems life cycle. While some analyses can be deterministic in nature, most include some level of uncertainty.

This talk will address relevant decision analysis concepts and a data-driven approach for performing system-level trades with uncertainty.


Dr. Alice F. Squires previously served as a Professor in the Engineering and Technology Management department of Washington State University. She has about 40 years of experience in industry and academia. She also served as a systems engineer and engineering manager for Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, IBM, and more. She is the Founder of INCOSE’s Empowering Women Leaders in Systems Engineering (EWLSE) Initiative and INCOSE Assistant Director in areas related to academic matters and diversity, equity, and inclusion.  She also serves as a Director on the SE Division and Corporate Member Council boards of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). She is an INCOSE Expert Systems Engineering Practitioner with Acquisition (ESEP-ACQ), a PMI certified Project Management Professional (PMP), and a Senior IEEE member. Her ebook describing her engineering journey, Dandelion Wishes: A World Where We Collaborate as Equals (Book 21), was published in 2018 by IEEE-USA. She is also co-editor of, and co-author of contributions within, the INCOSE Insight Diversity in Systems Engineering themed edition awarded Outstanding Theme Editors in 2019, and the INCOSE published Letters To My Younger Self: How Systems Engineering Changed My Life (2022) ebook (both publications co-edited with Dr. Lisa Hoverman and Dr. David Long). Her book, Emerging Trends in Systems Engineering Leadership: Practical Research from Women Leaders (co-edited with Marilee J. Wheaton and Heather J. Feli), was published by Springer in 2022.

Address:Washington, United States

Dr. Yaniv Mordecai of Tel Aviv University


Substantiating Data-Driven System Architecting with Category Theory

Category Theory, an abstract mathematical theory of representations and transformations, has been proposed in multiple contexts in recent years as a formal basis for systems engineering. We will introduce Category Theory and show how it can be harnessed in conjunction with Graph Theory for handling a variety of systems engineering and system architecture representation problems, taking systems engineering to a new level of formality, rigor, and robustness.


Dr. Yaniv Mordecai is a Senior Research Scientist at Amazon, Bellevue, WA, USA, and Senior Teaching Fellow at the Systems Engineering Research Institute, Faculty of Engineering, Tel-Aviv University. He has over 20 years of combined experience in industry, academia, and military. He was a Technion-MIT Post-Doctoral Fellow at MIT’s Engineering Systems Laboratory (2019-21) and has worked as a systems engineer and technical manager for Motorola Solutions, Israel Aerospace Industries, Elbit Systems, Microsoft, and others. He holds a  Ph.D. in information systems engineering from Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (2016), and M.Sc. (2010, cum laude) and B.Sc. (2002) degrees in industrial engineering & management from Tel-Aviv University. He also holds a Teaching Certificate from MIT ’s Kaufman Teaching Certificate Program (2020).  His research interests include model-based systems engineering, model analytics, cybernetics, interoperable systems, risk and decision analysis, and operations research. Dr. Mordecai is a senior member of IEEE, member of INCOSE, Board Member of the Israeli Society for Systems Engineering – INCOSE_IL, and member of INFORMS. He won two international doctoral research awards and three “Best Paper” Awards.

Address:Washington, United States, 98052





התכנסות - Gathering


דברי פתיחה והצגת המרצים – Opening Remarks and Speaker Introduction

משה סלם, מנכ"ל האיגוד הישראלי להנדסת מערכות – Moshe Salem, GM, INCOSE IL


Data-driven Decision Analysis for Systems Engineers

Prof. Alice Squires, Washington State University, WA, USA

Systems engineers are typically called upon to perform systems analyses that drive decision-making across the systems life cycle. While some analyses can be deterministic in nature, most include some level of uncertainty.

This talk will address relevant decision analysis concepts and a data-driven approach for performing system-level trades with uncertainty.


הפסקת קפה – Coffee Break


Substantiating Data-Driven System Architecting with Category Theory

Dr. Yaniv Mordecai,, WA, USA & Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel

Category Theory, an abstract mathematical theory of representations and transformations, has been proposed in multiple contexts in recent years as a formal basis for systems engineering. We will introduce Category Theory and show how it can be harnessed in conjunction with Graph Theory for handling a variety of systems engineering and system architecture representation problems, taking systems engineering to a new level of formality, rigor, and robustness.


הפסקה - Break


דיון פתוח – כיצד ניתן להטמיע פרקטיקות של מדעי הנתונים בתהליכי הנדסת המערכת

Open discussion – adoption of data scientific practices in systems engineering