IEEE AESS Short Course - Cognitive Electronic Warfare - Dr. Karen Haigh

#Cognitive #Electronic #Warfare #IEEE #AESS #machine #learning #short #course

The 2-day IEEE AESS short course, 0800-1700, Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) in Building 189 Video Teleconferencing Center.

The course cost for each registrant is $500.

Registrants are required to provide their legal name, US citizenship status, and current Company/Employer for access to the SwRI campus.

Coffee/snack breaks will be provided both days.

Lunch will be provided through the SwRI Tom Slick Cafeteria. Vegetarian options available.

Dr. Karen Haigh will cover how artificial intelligence (AI) can be used in electronic warfare (EW). AI enables EW systems to respond more quickly and effectively to battlefield conditions with complex and novel emitters. The course will discuss AI-based situation assessment techniques for electronic support (ES), including characterization, classification, patterns of life, and intent recognition. The course will cover decision-making techniques for electronic protect (EP), electronic attack (EA), and electronic battle management (EBM), including optimization, temporal tradeoffs, and distributed coordination. The course will describe how to handle real-time in-mission learning, motivate why this capability is crucial, and discuss how to evaluate a system that learns during a mission. It will cover data management approaches and system architecture. The course is based on the book "Cognitive Electronic Warfare: An Artificial Intelligence Approach" (

  Date and Time




  • Start time: 27 Apr 2023 08:00 AM
  • End time: 28 Apr 2023 05:00 PM
  • All times are (UTC-05:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • 6220 Culebra Rd
  • San Antonio, Texas
  • United States 78238
  • Building: Video Teleconferencing Center, Building 189

  • Contact Event Hosts
  • Starts 06 February 2023 06:00 AM
  • Ends 28 April 2023 11:55 PM
  • All times are (UTC-05:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
  • Admission fee ?


Dr. Karen Haigh Dr. Karen Haigh


Cognitive EW

This course will cover how artificial intelligence (AI) can be used in electronic warfare (EW). AI enables EW systems to respond more quickly and effectively to battlefield conditions with complex and novel emitters. The course will discuss AI-based situation assessment techniques for electronic support (ES), including characterization, classification, patterns of life, and intent recognition. The course will cover decision-making techniques for electronic protect (EP), electronic attack (EA), and electronic battle management (EBM), including optimization, temporal tradeoffs, and distributed coordination. The course will describe how to handle real-time in-mission learning, motivate why this capability is crucial, and discuss how to evaluate a system that learns during a mission. It will cover data management approaches and system architecture. The course is based on the book "Cognitive Electronic Warfare: An Artificial Intelligence Approach" (


Dr. Karen Haigh is an expert and consultant in Cognitive EW and embedded
AI. Her focus is on physical systems with limited communications and limited
computation resources that must perform under fast hard-real-time
requirements. She recently wrote the book "Cognitive EW: An AI Approach" with
Julia Andrusenko. She was a pioneer in three fields now common across the
globe: (1) closed-loop planning and machine learning for autonomous robots, (2)
smart homes for elder care, and (3) cognitive RF systems. Dr. Haigh is a
regular presenter to both academic and military communities around the world,
and has created a variety of online content discussing embedded AI for
mission-critical systems, supporting rapid real-time in-mission learning, and
assuring AI in the field. Her course on Cognitive EW is available through the
Association of Old Crows. She received her PhD in from Carnegie Mellon
University in Computer Science with a focus on AI and Robotics, and her
undergraduate from the University of Ottawa in Honours Computer Science (summa
cum laude). She is a Fellow of IEEE and of the AsiaPacific AI Association (AAIA),
and a Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society.



Two 7-hour days

Day 1 - Thursday April 27, 0800-1700

Session 1
Introduction to Cognitive EW
System Walkthrough (brief)
Domain Challenges
Role of Humans in EW


Session 2
Machine Learning Primer
Situation Assessment for Electronic Support
Data Management

Day 2 - Friday April 28, 0800-1700

Session 3
Objective Function
Decision Making for Electronic Protect, Attack, and Battle Management
Real-Time In-Mission Planning and Learning
Testing & Evaluation


Session 4
SW and HW Architecture
System Walkthrough (complete)
Getting Started
Project Ideas