Professor Dr Katarzyna Wac Distinguished Speaker Biosensors for Telemonitoring of the Patients
Professor Dr Katarzyna Wac Distinguished Speaker Biosensors for Telemonitoring of the Patients
11:00am New Jersey Time 17:00 Geneva Time
Professor Dr Katarzyna Wac Distinguished Speaker IEEE Computer Society with PACE SIGHT Group and Women in Engineering
Biosensors for Telemonitoring of the Patients
The availability of miniaturized, wearable, personalized sensors and powerful mobile phones (smartphones) enable the development of a magnitude of services for ubiquitous monitoring of behavioral markers of individuals in daily life environments, i.e., outside strict clinical settings. A behavioral marker is defined as a specific behavior in any of the three domains—physical, psychological or social, leveraged to indicate/measure the change in individual’s condition (e.g., for a purpose of diagnosis), the effects of preventive, treatment or rehabilitation activities, or a progress of disease.
The technologies for behavioral marker assessment are ready—hardware and software technologies are available at affordable prices and research on advanced algorithms for state assessment is ongoing. In this presentation, we give an example of ubiquitous technologies for the ambulatory assessment of an individual’s behavioral markers related to his/her
- physical state (heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure, respiration, etc.), physical activity, medication intake, fatigue and pain, sleep quality
- psychological state in terms of moods, feelings, memory and concentration,
- social state in terms of relationships and social interactions, including social relationships with fellow patients suffering from the same disease.
We will also give an example of environmental state assessment technologies for noise, pollution, or transportation usage, influencing the individual’s state and behaviors in all three above-mentioned domains. We discuss these technologies in terms of their design space and provided features, and their strengths and barriers for user adoption and scaling.
The challenge lies in the methodological aspects of the approach, where the data collected in the individual’s daily life environments must be of a particular quality to inform the clinical decisions taken. The questions are raised about where, when and what to measure, how to make sense of data, how to extract and fuse relevant features, how to use the data in individual cases (“personalized analytics”), what to consider as constituting the evidence on effectiveness of a given treatment or rehabilitation activity, and how to link that to clinical outcomes for a given patient.
Date and Time
- Date: 27 Apr 2023
- Time: 03:00 PM UTC to 04:00 PM UTC
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- Co-sponsored by Computer Chapter, PACE SIGHT, WIE
Professor Dr Katarzyna Wac
Professor Dr Katarzyna Wac Distinguished Speaker Biosensors for Telemonitoring of the Patients
Katarzyna Wac, PhD is an Associate Professor of Computer Science, Human-Centric Computing at University of Copenhagen (Denmark), and an Invited Professor at University of Geneva (UNIGE). Dr. Wac has also been affiliated with Stanford University since 2013. Dr. Wac holds degrees from Wroclaw University of Technology (Poland) in computer science (BSc/MSc, 2003), the University of Twente (the Netherlands) in telematics (MSc, 2004) and the University of Geneva in information systems (PhD, 2009).
In 2009–2010, Dr. Wac was a visiting post-doctoral student at Carnegie Mellon University (USA) after which she was a senior scientist at UNIGE, and in 2010 has established and is leading the “Quality of Life Technologies” lab (QoL Lab) and its associated “mQoL Living Lab.” The QoL Lab research focuses on understanding how emerging sensor and actuator-based mobile and wearable technologies can be leveraged for a personalized assessment and improvements of the individual’s behavior and Quality of Life (QoL), as they unfold naturally over time and in context.
Dr. Wac’s research appears in more than 100 peer reviewed proceedings and journals in computer science, human-computer interaction and health informatics (h-index=19). Dr. Wac’s research contributes to the “digital strategy” of UNIGE. Dr. Wac is an engaging speaker and a keynote speaker at several conferences to date (specifically medical conferences). Dr. Wac is a Principal Investigator in several European (including AAL and H2020) and Swiss National Science Foundation projects and co-investigator at three projects funded at Stanford University.
Dr. Wac actively contributes to the promotion of women in computer science by being officially and unofficially a mentor to female PhD students. Dr. Wac contributes to standardization efforts by being an expert within the International Telecommunication Union’s (ITU) European Regional Initiative for mHealth. In 2015, Dr. Wac was a TEDMED Research Scholar. Since 2016, Dr. Wac has been a member of the Digital Health Council of the Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) and Member of the Board of Directors of the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS). Since 2015, she has also been a Senior Member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and of The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Quality of Life Technologies & mQoL Living Lab Leader
Institute of Services Science, Center for Informatics
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Email: katarzyna.wac@unige,ch
twitter: @katewac
Address:Switzerland, Switzerland
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