YESIST'12 Prelims - Inauguration
Exciting Chance to Participate YESIST’12 in EGYPT
This Track concentrates to bring exceptional and novel ideas for SDGs Theme mentioned below from the participants. Every team need to adhere with the instructions shared below and should be participating only via Prelims.
All SDG except 7,9,11
This track aims to increase innovation in the Energy and Power Sector led by Women and thereby achieving a clean way to generate energy and bring formative change from the women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math education with an ideal solution for the removal of all kind of hazards from power generation in a clean and healthy manner.
Theme for WePOWER Track 2023
"Clean and Affordable Energy"
3. S P E C I A L T R A C K
It aims at bringing out innovative solutions to solve the issues of mankind, on a global scale. focuses on providing smarter solutions to some of the most challenging business and humanitarian issues across the world today. Novel ideas and creative proposals with interesting presentations are rewarded and appreciated.
Theme For Special Track 2023:
Smart Infrastructure and Safe Living.
1. Team Size: In the range of 1 to 4 members. (Max:4 & Min: 1)
2. Team Registration: Every participating team along with a chosen mentor should register with the nearby Pilot (in case of opting for Pilot Entry) for the Prelims Round.
3. Team Members: Participating members can be chosen as diverse as possible in a team, including individuals from different Academic Institutions. Please note, post the registration for prelims, the team details will be locked for any changes.
4. Project Level: Any percentage of your innovative work is allowed. (Required: At least 50% of the prototype should be ready during Prelims and can be developed post your selection in the prelims to its 100% for the Finale).
5. Presentation Template: should be followed strictly.
6. Evaluation Criteria : based on Novelty, Participants Knowledge, Technical Implementation, Project Idea, Clarity of Pitch.
1. Scan the QR , Create Account, Logout Once.
2. Sign in the Account with User name , Password from the QR.
3. Submit your abstract with given template.
4. Click & Submit on the suiting themes of your project.
5. Once the abstracts are selected you will receive the mail.
6. You can participate final prelims @Sri Sai Ram Institute of Technology
Kindly follow the steps in video to register event Successful !
Date and Time
- Date: 17 Mar 2023
- Time: 09:00 AM to 04:00 PM
- All times are (UTC+05:30) Chennai
Add Event to Calendar
- Starts 25 February 2023 12:00 AM
- Ends 13 March 2023 11:59 PM
- All times are (UTC+05:30) Chennai
- No Admission Charge