One-Day Summer Camp for Female High School Students: SHE in ECE - Completed

#STEM #Electrical #Engineering #Computer #WIE

“IEEE Electron Device Society and Circuit and Systems Society One-Day Summer Camp for Female High School Students: SHE in ECE”

IEEE EDS/CASS sponsored  “One-Day Summer Camp for Female High School Students” to join engineering especially in electrical engineering and computer engineering. SHE@IEEE is Soaring High-powered Excellence in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE): SHE in ECE. The participants will be high school students entering 9th to 12th grades in the IEEE North Jersey Section and the surrounding community.

Participants Did:

  • Learn about various IEEE activities.
  • Students will meet current and present female undergraduate and graduate students in ECE program.
  • The student will visit the ECE Research laboratories related to robotics, electronics, and communication/network research.
  • Female faculty members will address the students describing their career growth.
  • Students will be addressed by female industry leaders in ECE disciplines with ECE degrees.
  • Former female ECE students who are working in Industry will address
  • Students will discover the current trends and the future Electron Device technology by interacting with the female guest speakers.
  • ECE Program advisors will also present the academic activities and requirements.
  • Students will carry out a few hands-on activities that will include circuits boards and

Participants are encouraged to Register Here

  Date and Time




  • Date: 27 Jun 2023
  • Time: 08:00 AM to 05:00 PM
  • All times are (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • 154 Summit Street, Newark, NJ 07102
  • Newark, New Jersey
  • United States 07102
  • Building: NJIT Campus Center
  • Room Number: ATRIUM
  • Click here for Map

  • Contact Event Hosts
  • Ajay K. Poddar, Ph.: 201-560-3806,

    Durga Misra, +1-973-596-5739, email:

    Edip Niver, email:

    Anisha Apte, email:

  • Co-sponsored by ED/CAS, AP/MTT17



IEEE Electron Device and Circuit and Systems Societies One-Day Summer Camp for Female High School Students: SHE in ECE

“One-Day Summer Camp for Female High School Students” to join engineering especially in electrical engineering and computer engineering. SHE@IEEE is Soaring High-powered Excellence in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE): SHE in ECE. 

Address:United States



You do not have to be an IEEE Member to attend. Refreshmen is free for all attendess. Please invite your friends and colleagues to take advantages of this Invited series of Distinguished Lectures. You need to register.

Co-sponsor by IEEE North Jersey Section, ED/CAS, MTT/AP, SIGHT and WIE Chapters