NH ExCom Meeting
Virtual ExCom for April
Date and Time
- Date: 19 Apr 2023
- Time: 11:00 PM UTC to 01:00 AM UTC
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NH Section ExCom Meeting Agenda
7PM Wed. April 19th Virtual
1. Attendance
Quorum check -- David Casper
2. approval of agenda including consent agenda
Consent to approval of 2023 minutes (in the appropriate month's ExCom directory area)
Consent to approval of outstanding 2023 treasurer reports
3. Chairs Comments
Mentor: Don Sherwood
Parking lot: Review of how we handle budget, and possible guidelines on spending (target March meeting)
-- Logically organize budget structure (after approval)
A document with budget/funding considerations has been set up at:
4. Action Item Report
- Jim/et al -- elevation committee
5. Chapter/Affiliate Group Activity & coordination
Key action: identify one or two topics in your chapter/affiliate group area of interest
and plan on which month you will try to organize an activity based on that.
6. Standing Committee Activities:
7 Old Business
-- CVD Report -- Henry Axtmayer
8 New Business
9 Next Meeting -- Wed. May 17 (Virtual or Dinner)
10. For the good of the order --
11 Adjourn to forum
12 Forum topics (upcoming events, etc)
Our Leadership Team:
Communications and Signal Processing Chair: Open
Computer Society Chair: Wei Lu
Vice Chair: Sridhar Raghavan
Treasurer: Baris Kazar
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Chair: Laura Wierschke
Secretary: J Michael OConnor
Microwave T&T/Antennas and Propagation Chair: Elizabeth H. Schenk
Vice Chair: Ian Armstrong
Power and Energy Society Chair: Tom Mongeon
Reliability Society Chair: Michael W. Bannan
Robotics and Automation Society Chair: Sridhar Raghavan
Affiliate Groups
Consultants Network Chair: Raj Vayyavur
Life Members Chair: Alan Schecter
Secretary: J Michael OConnor
Women In Engineering/Young Professionals Chair: Barbara Bancroft
Education Chair/Community Qiayon Yu
Student Activities May Wan
History Committee Jason Hui
PACE Henry Axtmayer