Towards Precise Human-Machine Interaction: Sensors and Systems for Hand Sign Recognition

#Human-Machine #Interaction #Keynote #Sensors #Systems

Precise Human -Machine Interaction

IEEE Instrument and Measurement Society Pune Chapter, IEEE Education Society Pune Chapter and MIT ADT University organizing the keynote talk during the 1st International Conference on Cognitive Computing and Engineering Education (ICCCEE) as per following details
Speaker: Dr. Olfa Kanoun, Full Professor, Chair for Measuring and Sensor Technology (MST)  
Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany
Keynote Lecture of Dr. Olfa Kanoun, DL of IEEE IMS, during ICCCEE 2023 of MITADT, Pune. On 28/04/2023

       A Virtual Keynote Lecture  was part of ICCC EE 2023, a confernce organized by MIT ADT, Pune.

 Topic of Lecture: Towards Precise Human Machine Interaction: Sensors and Systems for Hand Sign Recognition.

The Lecture was planned on 28 April, 2023, from 3:30 pm to 4:30pm IST.

 Welcome of Dr. Olfa and all the participants was done  by Dr. Archana Chaudhary, Secretary, IEEE Sensors Council, Pune Chapter.

 Dr. Amar Buchade, Vice Chair, IEEE Pune Section, briefed about IEEE Pune Section and ICCCEE conference at MIT ADT, Pune

Prof Mandar Khurjekar briefed the activities of IEEE I&M Society Pune Chapter.


  Date and Time




  • Date: 28 Apr 2023
  • Time: 10:00 AM UTC to 11:15 AM UTC
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
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  • Pune Section Chapter,IM09
  • Contact Event Host
  • Dr. Shilpa Sondkar

  • Co-sponsored by IEEE Education Society Pune Chapter
  • Starts 23 April 2023 03:30 AM UTC
  • Ends 28 April 2023 07:30 AM UTC
  • No Admission Charge


Olfa Kanoun Olfa Kanoun of Chemnitz University of Technology


Towards Precise Human-Machine Interaction: Sensors and Systems for Hand Sign Recognition

Dr. Olfa Kanoun, DL of IEEE IMS then discussed following:-

  1. Hybrid Societies
  2. Gesture Recognition for embodiment of Interactions.
  3. Measurement Methods for Hand gesture recognition.


Artificial bodies in shared environments of manufacturing are now getting involved. Virtual reality is also becoming part of this environment. Automotive Human factors, Driverless cars, Drones, Robots, smart agents, (avatars)

Dr. Olfa discussed. Medical Diagnostics b. Muscle rehabilitation, Muscle Degeneration (sarcopenia), Symmetry, Epilepsy related issues. She further discussed Depth Sensors, Markers, Single camera, Stereo Camera, Image based solutions. Measurement method for gesture recognition by use of EMG. Then she took overview of various measurement methods. Smart Band design, frequency Multiple Sensor glove range of 1 kHz to 10Mhz.with excitation current of 0.1 mA to 0.5 mA.  Multi sensor Glove with accelerometer, Magnetometer, gyro, was explained.

 Question and answer session was equally interesting.

 Dr. Archana Chaudhary, delivered Vote of Thanks

IEEE members 32, Non IEEE / Guests: 27, Total Participants: 59

 Following photos give some important slides presented during discussion by Dr. Olfa Kanaoun.


Olfa Kanoun is professor for measurement and sensor technology since 2007 at TU Chemnitz, Germany. She graduated in electrical engineering at the Technische Universität München from in 1996, where she specialized in the field of electronics. Her PhD at the University of the Bundeswehr in Munich was awarded in 2001 by the Commission of Professors in Metrology (AHMT e. V.) in Germany.

In 2015 she was awarded by the Tunisian ministry of social affairs for her scientific excellence and outstanding achievements. In her research she focuses on sensors, measurement systems and measurement methods. Since 2001 she is developing new sensors and measurement solutions based on impedance spectroscopy in the fields of battery diagnosis, bio-impedance spectroscopy, inductive sensors, capacitive sensors, conductivity sensors and material testing. She has a deep expertize in the field of energy harvesting and energy transmission and develops since many years successfully flexible Nano composite sensors for force, temperature and humidity measurements.

As senior IEEE member, she volunteers for the Instrumentation and Measurement Society and for IEEE. In 2004 she founded an IEEE IM Chapter and in 2014 she initiated a student branch at TU Chemnitz. She serves as co-chair of the Technical Committee on nanotechnology in instrumentation and measurement (TC 34). In 2001 she was co-founder of the international multi-conference on systems, signals and devices (SSD) and in 2008 she initiated the annual International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy (IWIS).

She is author or co-author of 7 books, 52 papers in international journals with peer review, 110 papers in proceedings of international conferences and 6 journal special issues. She is member of the editorial board of Technisches Messen (De Gruyter) and associate editor of the journal on Digital Signals and Smart Systems (IJDSSS, Inderscience) Nanotechnology Council Rep (2017-2018); TC-34 Member



Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany 



Chemnitz University of Technology




Address:Chemnitz University of Technology, , Chemnitz , Germany


1. Welcome for Keynote address , Dr. Archana Choudhary, secretary, IEEE Sensors Council, Pune Chapter 

2. Intro of  IEEE Pune section and ICCCEE , Conference, at MIT ADT , by Dr. Amar Buchade, Vice Chair, IEEE Pune section 

3. Briefing  About IEEE  IMS Pune Chapter, Prof M J Khurjekar, Chair, IEEE IMS Pune Chapter 

3. Lecture by DL of I&M Society, Dr. Olfa Kanoun 

4. Q&A 

5. Voteof Thanks , Dr. Archana Choudhary, secretary, IEEE Sensors Council, Pune Chapter