First IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section Executive Committee Meeting of Year 2015
The 1st /2015 executive committee meeting of the IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section was held in Conference
Room, Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida, U.P. on March 28, 2015.
Date and Time
- Date: 28 Mar 2015
- Time: 01:30 PM to 04:45 PM
- All times are (GMT+04:00) Indian/Mauritius
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Sponsorships request
(a) Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Amity School of Engineering & Technology, Amity University, Noida is organizing “Third
International Conference on Signal Processing and integrated Networks (SPIN 2016)” during Feb 18-19, 2016. They have requested for Technical Sponsorship from IEEE U.P. Section.
It was decided that the organiser of this event would send detailed proposal to the Convener, Professional Activities Committee. The proposal will be discussed in the
next excom meeting based on the report of Convener, Professional Activities Committee.
(b) ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad is organizing two days “ Second International Conference on “Computational Intelligence & Communication Technology (CICT-2016)” during Feb 12-13, 2016. They have requested for Technical Sponsorship from IEEE U.P. Section.
It was decided that the organiser of this event would send detailed proposal to the Convener, Professional Activities Committee. The proposal will be discussed in the
next excom meeting based on the report of Convener, Professional Activities Committee.
(c) IEEE Student Branch at Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur is organizing “EFFULGENCE'15”, A National Level Technical Extravaganza, during
April 3-5, 2015. They have requested for the use of IEEE Logo and Financial
Assistance for National Level Tech. Fest "Effulgence'15".
It has been decided in executive committee meeting that IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section will provide the travel support of speakers (up to Rs. 10000/-) on production of actual bills. Give appropriate space to IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section in various event publicity materials such as event leaflet, event website, banners, news, certificates,
mementos etc. They are allowed to use the IEEE logo with mentioning Uttar Pradesh Section on event leaflet, website and flex and certificates also. Before calming the
money to Section organizer are required to submit the News of Event in publication to IEEE R-10 News Letter ( and also in IEEE India Council News
Letter (
(d) Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad, is organizing an International Conference on Emerging
Computer Technologies (COMTECH-2016) during February 19-20, 2016. They have requested for Technical Sponsorship from IEEE U.P. Section.
It was decided that the organiser of this event would send detailed proposal to the Convener, Professional Activities Committee. The proposal will be discussed in the
next excom meeting based on the report of Convener, Professional Activities Committee.
(e) IEEE IIT (BHU) Student Branch and Electronics Engineering Department IIT (BHU) Varanasi are organising a paper presentation event - Muse as part of annual technomanagement festival of Department of Electronics Engineering - Udyam '15. During March 27-29, 2015. They have requested for Rs. 5000/- for smooth functioning of event.
It has been decided in executive committee meeting that IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section will provide the Rs. 5000/- support on production of actual bills. Before calming the money to Section organizers are required to submit the News of Event in publication to IEEE R-10 News Letter ( and also in IEEE India Council News Letter ( (f) Dept of Computer Science & Engineering, BTK Institute of Technology, Dwarhat is organizing Student Activity KAIVALYA 2K15 during April 18-19, 2015. They have requested for Rs. 10000/- seed money.
It has been decided in executive committee meeting that IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section will provide the travel support of speakers (up to Rs. 10000/-) on production of actual bills. Give appropriate space to IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section in various event publicity materials such as event leaflet, event website, banners, news, certificates,
mementos etc. They are allowed to use the IEEE logo with mentioning Uttar Pradesh Section on event leaflet, website and flex and certificates also. Before calming the
money to Section organizers are required to submit the News of Event in publication to IEEE R-10 News Letter ( and also in IEEE India Council News Letter (
(g) Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun is organizing workshop on “Technology enabled teaching and learning for higher education” during May 25-29, 2015. They
have requested for Technical Sponsorship from IEEE U.P. Section.
It has been decided in executive committee meeting that IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section will provide the Technical Sponsorship for organizing workshop on “Technology
enabled teaching and learning for higher education” during May 25-29, 2015. Give appropriate space to IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section in various event publicity
materials such as event leaflet, event website, banners, news, certificates, mementos etc. They are allowed to use the IEEE logo with mentioning Uttar Pradesh Section on event leaflet, website and flex and certificates also. Organizers are required to submit the News of Event in publication to IEEE R-10 News Letter ( and also in IEEE India Council News Letter (