FREE VIRTUAL IEEE Latinamerican Industry Forum 2023 May 30-31
19 speakers in two FREE VIRTUAL Industry forum
Dr. Dejan Milojicic, HPE Labs, IEEE FDC committee (May 30, 9:00 Eastern Time EST)Title: The Art of predicting technology evolution
Professor Roberto Saracco. IEEE FDC Committee (May 30, 9:45 Eastern Time EST)Title: The inevitability of the Metaverse
Date and Time
- Start time: 30 May 2023 09:00 AM
- End time: 31 May 2023 06:03 PM
- All times are (UTC-04:00) Puerto Rico
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- Co-sponsored by IEEE TEMS LATINAMERICA , IEEE R9, IEEE COMSOC Latinamerica
- Starts 11 May 2023 11:03 AM
- Ends 28 May 2023 11:03 AM
- All times are (UTC-04:00) Puerto Rico
- No Admission Charge
Dejan Milojicic
First talk The art of predicting Technology evolution, DOWNLOAD THE MEDIA for remainder 18 speakers
Title: The Art of predicting technology evolution
Abstract: Predictions have always attracted interest, because seeing the future could be very useful, powerful, and also fun. Those who can predict ahead of others have a strategic advantage. Predictions are essential in business, the military, and healthcare. As of recently, with COVID and with recent wars, predictions became critical to humankind's survival: for predicting when to open or close countries, predicting supply chains, vaccines, etc. Predictions are hard because they depend on many factors. There is a social aspect to making any prediction that pertains to humans hard. There is an ecological aspect that is extremely complex on its own. Technology predictions may be simplest, but technology also depends on business success, i.e. economics. For these reasons, technology predictions are a combination of art, science, and business
Dejan Milojicic is a distinguished technologist at Hewlett Packard Labs, Palo Alto, CA [1998-present]. Previously, he worked in the OSF Research Institute, Cambridge, MA [1994-1998] and Institute “Mihajlo Pupin”, Belgrade, Serbia [1983-1991]. He received his PhD from the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany (1993); and his MSc/BSc from Belgrade University, Serbia (1983/86). His research interests include systems software, distributed computing, systems management, and HPC. Dejan has over 240 papers, 2 books and 79 patents. Dejan is an IEEE Fellow (2010), ACM Distinguished Engineer (2008), and HKN and USENIX member. Dejan was on 8 PhD thesis committees, and he mentored over 50 interns. Dejan was president of the IEEE Computer Society (2014), IEEE presidential candidate in 2019, editor-in-chief of IEEE Computing Now and Distributed Systems Online and he has served on many editorial boards and TPCs. Dejan led large industry-government-university collaborations, such as Open Cirrus (2007-2011) and New Operating System (2014-2017).
Dr. Dejan Milojicic, HPE Labs, IEEE FDC committee (May 30, 9:00 Eastern Time EST) Title: The Art of predicting technology evolution
Professor Roberto Saracco. IEEE FDC Committee (May 30, 9:45 Eastern Time EST) Title: The inevitability of the Metaverse
Dr. Ramesh Ramadoss IEEE Blockchain Technical Committee (May 30, 10:15 Eastern Time EST) Title: Blockchain, Web3 & Metaverse
PROGRAM | 19 speakers May 30-31 FREE VIRTUAL EVENT organized by IEEE TEMS , with the support of IEEE, IEEE R9, COMSOC LAtinamerica, Internet society , PMI , LACNIC | 449.97 KiB |