CANELOS: CAD and Nanoelectronics Seminar (Día 1)

#utfsm #CANELOS #microelectronica

Este viernes 16 de junio empieza CANELOS, el nuevo seminario que busca convocar a toda la comunidad de microelectrónica de Chile.

CANELOS es un evento enfocado en la microelectrónica y su industria, abordando tanto el diseño de circuitos integrados como la automatización y las herramientas de diseño asistido. El seminario se realizará los días 16, 29 y 30 de junio, en el maravilloso campus de la UTFSM en Valparaíso. Serán 3 días que incluyen charlas plenarias, presentaciones y un foro. Los charlistas son académicos y representantes de empresas, varios de los cuales viajarán desde el extranjero. 

El evento es abierto y gratuito, y busca reunir presencialmente a la comunidad de microelectrónica de todo el país, así como a contactos en latinoamérica. Se trata de una instancia con enfoque educativo, pero también una oportunidad de generar contactos con la academia y la industria. El futuro de la microelectrónica nacional será un tema recurrente en las conversaciones, y también la pregunta que trataremos de resolver durante el foro.

  Date and Time




  • Date: 16 Jun 2023
  • Time: 01:30 PM UTC to 05:00 PM UTC
  • Add_To_Calendar_icon Add Event to Calendar
  • UTFSM, Av. España #1680
  • Valparaíso, Valparaiso
  • Chile 2390123
  • Building: T

  • Contact Event Hosts
  • Co-sponsored by AC3E, Departamento de Electrónica de la UTFSM


Gabriel Rincón-Mora of Georgia Institute of Technology


Compact Control Loops for Switched-Inductor Power Supplies

Switched-inductor power supplies are pervasive in electronics. This is because they deliver a large fraction of the power they draw from the input source with an output voltage or current that is largely independent of the load. Keeping the output voltage or current steady this way is ultimately the responsibility of the feedback controller. This talk uses insight and intuition to show how pulse-width-modulated (PWM), hysteretic, and timed loops switch the inductor and offset the current or voltage they control. The presentation then shows how summing comparators work and how they can contract, offset, and compensate (for reduced offset) these control loops. With this background and understanding in hand, designing compact feedback controllers for switched-inductor power supplies is more straightforward.


Gabriel A. Rincón-Mora is Motorola Solutions Foundation Professor, National Academy of Inventors Fellow, IEEE Fellow, and Institution of Engineering and Technology Fellow. He has been with Georgia Tech since 2001 and with Texas Instruments before that in 1994–2003. He was inducted into Georgia Tech's Council of Outstanding Young Engineering Alumni, named one of "The 100 Most Influential Hispanics" by Hispanic Business magazine, and included in "List of Notable Venezuelan Americans" in Science. He received the National Hispanic in Technology Award, Charles E. Perry Visionary Award, Three-Year Patent Award, Orgullo Hispano Award, Hispanic Heritage Award, a State of California Commendation Certificate, and an IEEE Service Award. His body of work includes 11 books, 8 handbooks, 4 book chapters, 43 patents, over 190 articles, 25 educational videos, over 26 commercial power-chip products released to production, and over 160 keynote addresses, distinguished lectures, and research seminars.

Ronald Valenzuela of Synopsys Chile


Low Power Implementation of SoC


Ronald Valenzuela currently manages a team of Product Engineers (PE) at Synopsys. With his team, they provide support on Power Optimization and Power Analysis capabilities of Synthesis and Place & Route tools. As PEs, they engage with customers to enable methodologies and, also contribute to planning and testing of the tools. Ronald has 13 years of experience in EDA Industry, he is an Electronics Engineer of Universidad de Concepción, Chile and has a certification on Integrated Circuit design from Stanford University, CA. 

Victor Grimblatt of Synopsys Chile


Capítulo conjunto SSCS/CAS/EDS

El Chair del capítulo chileno conjunto SSCS/CAS/EDS nos contará sobre las 3 sociedades relacionadas con microelectrónica, sus actividades y las oportunidades que ofrecen para empezar a diseñar chips desde latinoamérica. 

Si te interesan los circuitos integrados o las herramientas de diseño asistido, no te pierdas las charlas de nuestros distinguidos invitados. Inscríbete en el siguiente enlace: