Control System Cybersecurity: Beyond Network Security to Safeguard Sensors
Hybrid presentation by Mr. Joe Weiss from Applied Control Solutions
Critical infrastructures including electric grids, water systems, manufacturing, transportation, etc. rely on control systems. Control systems consist of engineering devices “owned” by engineering, and Ethernet networks “owned” by network security. Networks have cyber security and cyber forensic capabilities, and network personnel have cyber security training and a cyber security ethic. The engineering devices such as process sensors and actuators have no cyber security, cyber forensic capabilities, and the engineers have no cyber security training nor cyber security ethic. The culture gap is the defensive network people
do not understand the control systems and generally won’t reach out to the engineers and the engineers view cyber security as “e-mail” and do not feel cyber affects them. Meanwhile, the offensive cyber people realize attacking control system devices can cause great harm to physical equipment with no attribution
or cyber detection. Applying inappropriate network cyber security technologies have impacted the operation of the control system field devices exacerbating the culture divide. There have been more than 17 million control system cyber incidents that have directly resulted in more than 34,000 deaths and many region-wide electric outages. Despite the improvement in network security technologies, sophisticated attackers can compromise IP networks as demonstrated by Solarwinds. Ransomware has shut down manufacturing facilities due to “an abundance of caution”. Industrial, manufacturing, and transportation facilities cannot be protected by addressing networks alone. Consequently, technologies have been demonstrated that can provide an unhackable approach to control system devices which can help overcome the cultural divide while improving reliability, productivity, and process safety.
Date and Time
- Date: 27 Jul 2023
- Time: 01:30 AM UTC to 03:00 AM UTC
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- Santa Clara University - Free on site parking
- 500 El Camino Real
- Santa Clara, California
- United States 95053
- Building: Sobrato Campus for Discovery and Innovation - SCDI
- Room Number: 1308
- Click here for Map
- SCV/SF/OEB Jt. Section Chapter, SEN39
- SCV/SF Jt. Section Chapter, CS23/SMC28
- Contact Event Hosts
Jeronimo Segovia-Fernandez
IEEE SFBA MEMS & Sensors Chapter, Chair
Maryam Khanbaghi
IEEE SCV/SF Control Systems Chapter, Chair
- Starts 29 June 2023 06:20 AM UTC
- Ends 27 July 2023 01:30 AM UTC
- No Admission Charge
- Menu: IEEE Member, Non-IEEE Member
Mr. Joe Weiss
Joe Weiss is an expert on control system cyber security. In 2000, he helped start the control system cyber security program for the electric utilities. He has published over 80 papers on instrumentation and control systems, control system cyber security, book chapters on cyber security for electric substations, water/wastewater, data centers, and cyber policy, and authored Protecting Industrial Control Systems from Electronic Threats. He has amassed a database of
more than 17 million control system incidents. He is an ISA Fellow, Managing Director of ISA99, a Ponemon Institute Fellow, and an IEEE Senior Member. He was featured in Richard Clarke’s book- Warning – Finding Cassandras to Stop Catastrophes. He has patents on instrumentation, control systems, and OT networks, is a registered professional engineer and has CISM and CRISC certifications.
Address:United States
6:30 – 7:00 PM Registration & Networking
7:00 – 7:45 PM Invited Talk
7:45 – 8:00 PM Questions & Answers