IEEE Benelux LMAG - Visit to Energyville
You are hereby invited to attend the LMAG meeting to be held at Energyville in Genk (Belgium) on September 28, 2023, 12.00 to 17.00 h.
Prof. dr. ir. Ronnie Belmans, Emeritus Professor at KU Leuven, co-founder and former General Manager of EnergyVille will be our host.
Our colleague Ronnie Belmans is a major authority and voice in Belgium and in Europe on the evaluation and potential of new technologies in electrical power engineering. As one of Belgium's top experts, he has given advice to our public authorities on the options they have in the transition to clean energy. He has been a celebrated professor at KULeuven and a very active researcher in critical areas such as smart grids, security of energy supplies and the liberalization of the electricity market.
Needless to say, there will be ample opportunity for getting information and exchanging views on the topic of Sustainable Energy Systems.
Let Kees van 't Klooster secretary IEEE LMAG Benelux, know by return of mail and certainly before Sept. 8 by email whether you intend to participate.
EnergyVille, co-founded by KU Leuven, VITO, imec land the University of Hasselt has developed since its founding in 2007 into a major research institution on Sustainable Energy and Intelligent Energy Systems, with ca. 400 staff members and some 150 PhD candidates currently active.
For information on EnergyVille, see the website
Energyville is located in the Thor Park: EnergyVille 1&2, Thor Park 8310 & 8320, 3600 Genk, Belgium.
Date and Time
- Date: 28 Sep 2023
- Time: 12:00 PM to 04:30 PM
- All times are (UTC+02:00) Brussels
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- Thor Park
- Thor Park 8310 & 8320,
- Genk, Limburg
- Belgium 3600
- Building: EnergyVille 1 & 2
- Click here for Map
The proposed program of the visit is as follows:
12.00 Reception and sandwich lunch
13.00 Presentation of EnergyVille by Gerrit Jan Schaeffer (present GM at EnergyVille)
14.00 Modelling
15.00 Visit to the laboratories under the guidance of Ronnie Belmans
16.00 Closure of the Program with a cup of coffee